24 hours limitation

something is wrong in code here i put condition that if 24 hours end up and user don’t post he can’t access post page and i apply exit condition. but i found that after completing 24 hours without posting next 24 hours count down time automatic start instead of doing exit what i want to do please see below my code

$query = "SELECT link.dtime as last_post, CONCAT( DATE( NOW() ), ' ', TIME(msn_users.time) ) as period_end
FROM link, msn_users
WHERE link.userid = msn_users.id
AND msn_users.id = $id
ORDER BY link.dtime DESC

$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());

$canPost = TRUE;

if (mysql_num_rows($result))
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    $period_end = new DateTime($row['period_end']);
    $last_post = new DateTime($row['last_post']);
    $now = new DateTime();

    if ($period_end > $now)
        $period_start = clone $period_end;
        $period_start->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));

        if ($last_post > $period_start) {
            $canPost = FALSE;
    elseif ($last_post > $period_end)
        $canPost = FALSE;

if ($period_end < $now) {
    $period_end->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));

$interval = $now->diff($period_end);

if ($canPost)
    $seconds = ($interval->h * 3600) + ($interval->m) * 60 + $interval->s;
    echo 'You have: ' . $seconds . ' seconds left to post in the current period';
    if($seconds <= 0)
        echo "Time Over";

    echo 'Sorry, you can only post again in: ' . $interval->format('%H:%I:%S') . ' hours';

Please let me know where is the mistake how can i restrict people if they dont post withing last 24 hours time period they can’t post next. Thanks

Bro don’t you suggest any solution in.above scenario…

Hi realcoder,

Sorry for taking a while to get back to you - I think the following changes should do what you want:

if ($canPost)  
    //Check if user posted in the previous period
    $last_post_interval = $period_end->diff($last_post);
    if ($last_post_interval->d >= 2)
        echo 'Time over - you failed to post in the last 24 hour period';
        $seconds = ($interval->h * 3600) + ($interval->m) * 60 + $interval->s; 
        echo 'You have: ' . $seconds . ' seconds left to post in the current period'; 