Any way to darken black colour

Is there a colour darker than black?

If so I’m going to paint my house with that colour and then on some walls I’ll just use black to brighten the place up a little.:slight_smile:

A client wants darker text - I’m using black #000.

All joking aside as already mentioned above the text will vary depending on your monitor settings, the browser (and browser version) you are using, the system you are using (mac pc and whether cleartype is enabled) and the font and font weight that you have chosen. If its a relatively small font then it won’t appear as dark as a bold font due to the anti aliased edges and the fact that there is not so much black to see.

So play around with different fonts and sizes but the first thing to check though would be your clients monitor settings. A lot of people turn the brightness and contrast up too much and nothing seems black.

I’m off to paint my house now :slight_smile:

A client wants darker text - I’m using black #000.

Besides having them check their monitor settings (a monitor can wash out colours without difficulty), be aware of the potential problems with too high a contrast.

Namely, the negative impact it has on dyslexic readers.
More On Dyslexia » Spider Trax some thoughts

All good replies - thanks - will take it all on board

The optimum legibility settings is something along the lines of:
Font family: Clear, large sans-serif fonts like Verdana, or screen-designed serif fonts like Georgia
Font size: 100% to 150% (depending on your font)
Line height: 130% to 150% (depending on your font)
Line width: About 40em (too much shorter will make it difficult to read quickly, too much longer will make it difficult to jump to the next line)
Font color: #000 (don’t lighten the font to get a slightly lower contrast, see below)
Background color: #eee (or use a light cream colour, like #fefef0)

And as always: Use % or em rather than px, but I think you got that already :slight_smile:

Thanks Christian - am letting them see the pale grey background to see how they like it. I think it is an improvement.

Just for laughs, I set up a comparison page: Legibility Test Page

Thanks Christian - I heard back from my client re the grey background and she was surprised that I told her I had changed it from white. Her computer showed the background as pale yellow, not white. Isn’t that strange - it just goes to show how different monitor settings render things.