Are your parents engaged in social media?

Mt parents are involved facebook and twitter.

Now most of the parents are also active on the social networking sites. Some of them are using social media just to see the profile activities of their child.

My mum don’t work from year. At this period she made Facebook profile just to talk with her friend and ex classmates. My dad didn’t have social media profiles.

In regards to your question, my parents occasionally use the computer but do not use or interact themselves in any type of Social Media.
From time to time they will use the internet and check their email and might check out a video on YouTube but that’s where it ends.
I think the fact that they don’t have “high tech smartphones” has a lot to do with it.

No not at all they are engaged with social media. Only Gmail nothing else.

My mom yes, because all her friends and family use Facebook. Twitter, not at all. Skype Yes.

My dad can barley turn on a computer…seriously! The guy can remodel a bathroom but is a total idiot when it comes to anything to do with a computer.

Hi.My parents don’t know this.They know only mobile phone.

My parents are active in social media and both are them promote our business via social media.

Nope they are not engaged with social media.

Yes, certainly. It helps my dad reconnect with his old friends and helps them share their photos of their old days making him all nostalgic.

yes my parents are there but they are not as much active as i am.

My father have an FB account but he’s not that active. :slight_smile:

Well my mother is over 50 and she is a facebook freak; it became a problem when she started adding my friends… So at some point I had to block her.
If someone has a creative idea on how to keep parents out of social my social circle please share it!

Consider yourself lucky! When they start there is no way to stop them!

No not at all.

My dad has a Facebook profile but he is using it just at work to check some solutions. My mom has also Facebook account but she forgot about it years ago :wink:

No they don’t use them. They are very far away from them they only use email ocassionally

My parents know about Social Media but are not involved with it in anyway. My dad is having an email account and is using that only that too occasionally.

My parents are not engaged in any social media site.

Yes My parents are really engaged in google plus and facebook