Beginning Touch Typing - The Proper Way

See above - I have converted my keyboards at home to Dvorak (won’t do it at work until I get fast enough on it) and am trying that out. It is supposedly constructed as an optimal layout, ignoring constraints QWERTY had about not making typing bars jam. Most of the typing is done with the right hand since most people are right handed, 70% of letters are on the home row (it’s only something like 30% on QWERTY) and it is designed to alternate hands as much as possible, instead of using the same fingers/hands for consecutive letters.

It is laid out as follows:

’ , . p y f g c r l
a o e u i d h t n s
; q j k x b m w v z


Interesting, but it won’t be easy. First of all one has to learn to type again (yeah I’m lazy) and secondly, you’ll have to keep up typing in two systems (to me it happens all the time to have to work on other peoples machines, and they surely won’t have a Dvorak keyboard.

No, it isn’t easy. Had it for a few days so far, and I’m improving all the time - you can tell it is a more efficient system, but I am pretty slow still. Typing in 2 systems isn’t a problem - it’s a complete myth that you forget one just because you learn another. I fly gliders all the time but I don’t forget how to drive. I go swimming but I don’t forget how to walk.

I’m not really doing it for speed - I’m doing it for the reduced RSI risk. My job & hobbies involve a lot of typing, and that can add up over a lifetime!

I would have an issue with this… Not only because i have to learn it, but because I wouldn’t be able to check with my keyboard if I’m using the right key as it would show another letter.

Aslo, it may be more efficient but, again, I think that keyboards are developed mainly to write in English and then adapted to other languages. Therefore, I’m not sure how efficient would be in Spanish since we have the “ñ” and the tildes all around :smiley:

I have rearranged my keyboards by taking off all the keys and putting them back in the new layout

That’s a lot of work. I’m not sure if I want to do that… at least, not until you can prove this works… I’ll give you a little bit of time and then I’ll test it myself :smiley:

Yes, I know. I’m just to kind to let you be the first :smiley: No need to thank me :smiley:

Ha, it has been proven by many other people, it’s probably the most popular ‘alternative’ layout. The world record holder for typing speed (212wpm at peak level) used this layout as well. I’m far from the first to use it!

The laptop was an asbolute pain to rearrange as the keys were quite fiddly to get on and off, but a normal keyboard is easy - just get something under each key, lever back and pop it off. I removed the bumps on the qwerty home finger keys (J and F), put them in the new order, job done!

Spanish Dvorak keyboard

You’d probably want that layout

The keyboard layout according to finger range, finger strength and finger importance is decided by the frequency of a letter in a language. For example, less frequent go out to pinky and pinky range.

That’s why there are different layouts, even inside one language. For example, for Romanian there were two standard layouts, and now there is a third one.

There isn’t really a “most popular” since, in this case, one size can’t fit all.

In terms of English layouts I was talking.