BrowserCam Group Purchases

1 left!

Now we are complete and I will not bugg you any further! :slight_smile:

Cool. Let us know how we obtain our accounts. Thanks for setting them up David.

BrowserCam Group Purchase ID: browsercamcomplete
Link to Group at Fundable:
Number of group members needed: not sure (says 26 - 50% funds pledged)

Iā€™ve just signed, so itā€™s says now 51 - 75% funds pledged

Looks like there are only four places left now (or fewer). Two days to go.

100% funds pledged :slight_smile:
When we will receive user/pass

Not sure, as Iā€™m not the person who set this group up. Best to keep an eye on the comments at

Has anyone had the experience of renewing one of these accounts that were paid for through fundable? Iā€™m part of a group and the account has expired. I havenā€™t heard from the originator of the group so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s not going to be renewed. I guess the options then are to wait for another group or start one.

i want to participate in thisā€¦can you tell me the all procedure of this site???

Ourā€™s is being renewed now. Razitun, thereā€™s another group effort starting. Go to and search browsercam or just look on the ā€œcurrentā€ page. You need to pledge $25 to the group. They donā€™t charge your credit card or paypal account until all the pledges are received. The person setting it up will then get info from you that they need to set up the account and then send you log in info. Thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to work.

Just started a fundable action yesterday and have invited 10 colleagues. Need 10 more. Fundable action expired Sept. 20, 2006

The offer only open to independent programmers/developers - not big companies.

Thanks SleepyElephant. Iā€™m in. I joined one of these last year and have been using BrowserCam to check my websites using their remote access. That account just expired and Iā€™m looking for a group to renew with.

If you guys are still not aware of it, the browsercam has a forum now.
i think it would be better if you post it there :slight_smile:

I think that sometimes forum members just prefer using their ā€œownā€ forum :wink:
Of course itā€™s a good idea that BrowserCam launched one too :agree:

Another BrowserCam group purchase has been set up at The purchase has three days to go, and they are less than 50% of the goal. If you havenā€™t signed up yet, hereā€™s your chance! For only $25, you get:

ā€œ12 months of Unlimited access to the Capture service and unlimited access to 30-minute Remote Access sessions on Windows, Mac and Linux machines.ā€

The regular cost for the service is $499 if you bought it yourself.

Sign up at:

An update on the BrowserCam purchase: itā€™s now at 51%-75% pledged with two days to go.

The group purchase deadline is Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. To make your pledge, visit Fundable

The BrowserCam group purchase is now 76 - 99% full. Thereā€™s still room for others to sign up; remember the deadline is Thursday at 11:59PM EST. Cost is only $25 for an annual membership that is usually $499. To signup for the group purchase, visit Fundable.

Weā€™ve started a fundable for a full PREMIUM ($1000) browsercam account and need 23 more users. The cost is $40 for the year ($3.33/month) which is a steal and you get so much more than the other account type that people are splitting.

Special features include PRIORITY screen capture and remote access queues, a higher number of users (25), 60-minute Remote Access sessions, a higher number of Full Page Captures, and more.

To sign up, please head on over to:

Please help us secure all 25 users within the 24 day time frame that is left.

Thanks a million!

There is also a Complete BrowserCam group ($500) that is at 76-99% done with 2 days left (Deadline 10/24/2006 11:59 PM EST) Only $25 for one year.

To sign up goto:

The description is in German but the group leader also speaks English so itā€™s not a problem.