Challenge - Show me a popular site with a hyphen in its domain

check again. now it says 16.7 million posts. thats crazy.

plus it’s all on phpbb lol someone shot me, I am a failure

Anime is a popular subject… alot of people are into it… that’s how

yeah well I wish I knew a bit about anime :smiley:

I think hyphens are fine, but the thing is, I think it’s easier for people to remember an URL without hyphens…

Like if you say all together, people will have no problem finding it… but if you have to explain that there is a hyphen in there and what kind of hyphen (- or _) people might get confused…

(I know maybe a simple example… but don’t underestimate the stupidity of the average consumer)

Just an idea…


I think he meant the original PhpNuke site. The above site has an alexa rating of 1.9 million +.


for all the top 500 sites and see which ones have hyphens.

what kind of hyphen is _ ? last i checked you cant use underscores in domain names? am i confused about something here?


Hehe… okay, but see, I didn’t know that, so maybe I would’ve been confused…

Another reason not to use hyphens! :slight_smile:


People like that should tie themselves to a tree. They get their message across to who it matters, and no one else. They either get untied and arrested or chopped with the tree.

Either way.

Your positivism will get us through the dark days… :wink:


What dark days? Yet another thing that angers me is the notion democrats and anti-war hippies alike have that America is rapidly declining “under this administration.”


All I hear from democrats is how the republican party is doing everything wrong to stop terrorism, yet not a single comment from one of them as to how it should be handled.

The hefty military budget this year is yet another problem for the democrats. Sounds a little funny coming from a party whose ideology includes raising taxes.


damn … I don’t think he meant dark days in a political manner. I believe he was just poking fun at your unweilding optimism. Of course I could be wrong.

PS - I am far from a leftist tree hugging hippie.

Side note -
Q. What’s orange and looks good on hippies?
A. Fire.

PPS - weren’t we talking about hyphenated domain names?


They also own but that forwards to the hyphenated site.

My definition of hell: Being forced to actually read all the posts on

Very, very popular. IMO the older version was much better, now it’s one of the heaviest sites I’ve seen. Extremely slow even though I have the fastest internet connection available at work. And messy as hell.

Sitepoint beats EE easilly :slight_smile:


The reason that hyphenated domains are not that effective is that they are harder for people to remember. The best use of hyphenated domains is to link those domains to a short [ under 9 characters ] domain.

My authority on hyphenated domains is that I am the guy who was first to use them for ranking purposes back in 1997 under the term ‘The Butterfly Guy’.

I hope this info helps. I was searching on results for the Google SEO Challenge and your site showed up a few pages back - so this is why I responded and shall return periodically.

Negritude Ultramarine

Gaia is definitely one of the most popular forums I’ve ever seen.

Well, another reason might be that when you speak of a domain name

It’s easier to speak of it as “videopalace dot com” instead of “video hyphen palace dot com”