Competitive Keyword Analysis, how do YOU do it?

i asked about this earlier in the thread, so to answer your question


Suppose you use 3 keyword phrases on one page. They’d have to differ significantly or they’d look like 3 forms of the same phrase and that would be a strange way to write, plus your keyword research should have identified the best version of your primary keyword phrase. Since a keyword phrase describes the contents of the page you’d need to have 3 different subjects on the one page. Not great usability.

Next you have the problem of where to put your keywords. First place is the page Title, you want to have 3 keyword phrases in the Title? If you do, which order do you put them in? How many characters does Google actually read in the page title? You have the same problem in your description meta tag and then again when you start using your H tags.

Then you have the IBLs. You want to use your keyword phrase in your IBLs o boost relevance, it’s key. So now you have to get three different sets of IBLS, all pointing to one page. Instead of having 3 dedicated opportunities to rank, you have one, even if you manage to pull it off, it’s one page that ranks for three terms. I would always use 1 or maybe 2 keyword phrases on a page, never 3. I’d rather take 3 keyword phrases and use them to make 3 different pages rank well.[/QUOTE]

well more informative for me i got more knowledge. actually every one have different interest so keywords will different. keywords must be business relevant and search engine friendly. i use Google AdWords: Keyword Tool i think it is best helpful to search keywords traffics and search engine friendly…

Sorry, missed this till now. No I only focus on one, or maybe two keyword per page. I’ve never heard anyone recommend 5-6 keywords per page, it doesn’t make sense to me to it that way.

Do you consider also the Related Searches that shows by google?

I’m pretty sure he does it for each page, since Web pages are independent documents and are treated as such by the search engines…:slight_smile:

I consider every source of keyword phrases when I’m building my keyword seed list. I don’t start doing the competitive analysis until I simply can’t find anymore relevant keyword phrases.

Yes, I wrote a very interesting article about this but since it’s on my blog the rules don’t allow me to provide you with a link. They consider this self promotion.

So here is a little of what I do… Find 20 of your top competitors and read their website and note how they describe their products or services. You are looking for descriptive keywords. You will also be looking for regional variations in language.

Then check out what they used in their Keyword Meta Tags. This will allow to find what the keyword tracker tools miss. WordTracker is based on only 1% of web searches.

Try focus groups as well.

Use a thesaurus to research synonyms for your core keywords Create a taxonomy of all the areas of focus in your industry. It can be helpful to imagine creating a directory for all the people, projects, ideas, and companies connected to your site.

Excuse me while I get my thesaurus to discover my taxonomy… I’ll be back after I’ve done research.

Taxanomy is where you classify things according to a predetermined system, like saying I’m going to classify all the plants in my back garden and I’m going to use a system where I do it by whether they’re a weed or a flower. Then I just put each plant into it’s category.

I think what jack4ireland is saying is that you create your categories for your niche/industry and then slot the keywords into each one as you find them. I just build up a list of 100% relevant keywords, I don’t bother with less relevant keywords and I try to keep it to only a couple of categories simply because of the amount of work involved.

For example, I’m about to do this for a debt collection agency but their keyword list includes ‘debt collection’ ‘absconder tracing’ ‘credit control’ ‘vehicle reposessions’ and a bunch of other phrases. Every one of those could generate hundreds of related phrases and could be considered as separate classifications, so I’m only going to do it for their core phrases otherwise it’ll take me a week and I’m only getting paid for 2 days, and that includes all the off site optimisation and monitoring etc.

part of kw research is guess work and surveys in real life, I tend to call up a dozen people I knew from all walks of life and pretty ask them what is it they encode in the search bar if they want to search for a certain “insert keyword here”

then I took notes and start 50% of my targeted KW’s from there. hope that helps a bit in the discussion here

Thank you but I can’t take all the credit, most of it is lifted straight from the Sitepoint SEM kit, I just got rid of the bits I didn’t like and added a few tweaks of my own.

The point is though that this kind of analytical approach philosophy will yield the best keyword phrases. I’m sure the actual approach will change as search changes. The biggest change on the horizon (or already here depending on how you look at it) is personalised search which I haven’t touched on at all. that’s going to be major for 530.

Personalized search and 530?

Would you please elaborate? I’m unfamiliar with both concepts/terms.

Off Topic:

Personalised search

530 is SEO but using numbers instead of letters, it’s just an internet slang thing.

So, I have a question for this smart posse.

I am moving up nicely in the ranks for a keyword set and quite by chance see another one flying up the ranks as well.

Both are in the 200’s now. The question is, should I continue to move on the one, or now should I set up plans for both at the same time?

You should do what you thing makes the most sense for you. I have on idea what you are doing to accomplish this, but if you have the time I might suggest doubling your effort.

first you have to gather your keywords according to niche of your site after that use a keyword tools available online and the results of your major keywords should be 100 search per day and then search on google using that keyword to know how many are your competitive.

it seems you have a pretty comprehensive method, it covers all the areas I use when producing keywords for a site.

Why put a 100 limit on the keyword usage. While that might make sense for a competitive national site it would not work very well for a local site that might have only 100 searches a month for any keyword related to their business.

Exactly, the algorithm I developed scores a keyword phrase based on how competitive it is, not just how many searches it’s getting. What matters is how many searches it’s getting compared to how many other people are using it.