Correct way to "remember me"

Sure it is. If I use frameworks and cut my time in half working in PHP, that’s ultimately less code that I get to learn and do myself. That’s less mistakes I get to make and learn from. Less time spent in PHP/JS reduces the point in doing these exercises. I don’t need more time in front end coding. I will not benefit at all from it. I need to crawl through mud and tackle PHP and JS the hard way.

If I don’t make mistakes, and get it pointed out, I do not learn. This is how I learned CSS/HTML and I do quite like what end result I achieved. I need to apply this learning to other languages.

In future threads I guess I’ll just make a disclaimer on this subject :wink: .

Trust me, I know the advantages of frameworks, you point out that I am familiar with front end frameworks. I do see the advantages but it’s been my experience that users who are more so beginners don’t quite get as much out of it.

[quote=“djsmithme, post:19, topic:156858”]
s just really productive in the real world to be able to say to clients, “yep we can do that, it will be secure and supported for years to come”.
[/quote]Well this is for a personal application so no clients are involved. Just my brain :slight_smile: .

I’m not really doing much security besides some basic PHP functions. PDO/googling random security functions is easy. Plug and place. What I’m doing is = I’m getting the basics of classes and functions down - the whole OOP crap. Which is helping me already.

Out of curiosity, what are you using to learn PHP? Have you thought about going through CodeAcademy (which might be too basic?)?

Much too basic.

I know PHP. My website is built in PHP. But it’s just sorta hacked together, procedural style coding. Nothing impressive. What I don’t know about PHP is mainly class/OOP related (and obviously knowing hte 9000 functions that PHP has which I generally can just google to find what function I’m looking for.)

My PHP knowledge is intermediate. It’s where I think I could do something if needed but I’m not comfortable enough giving people advice. Know what I mean?

I’ve taken the PHP course at codecademy but I got through the entire application without learning much. It’s too basic.

What I’ve been learning so far is just the scopes and how it’s all tied together. I learned about classes/functions and all that OOP stuff from Java in high school but that was 5-6 years ago so I’m remembering bits and pieces along the way.

I think so. I’ll see what else is out there. I’m trying to recall some of the other sites I’ve used to learn a few new languages/frameworks lately. As they may have something a bit more intermediate that is OOP oriented.

I see this mentioned a lot on reddit:

It’s Laravel based though. But it has other stuff:


Let me know. I do great learning hands on fighting through bugs and functions. I’ve learned quite a good bit already.

Who knows, perhaps my class won’t be awful?

I just have some custom UX messages, adding timezones to my datetimes I save, etc. The core functionality is there. I just need to clean up my code, make variable names better…move some code to small private functions to make it more DRY…

Sometime this weekend you all can rip me a new one and critique my class. I’m sure you all are looking forward to it :wink: .


If you have access to Learnable, again, it is a beginner course, but it does talk about some interesting PHP features with OOP

Yeah I have a membership but I just need to get around to looking at all of that. There is just so much information on the interwebs it’s hard to justify not hands-on coding to just read or listen :stuck_out_tongue: . Thanks everyone.

I actually started this way. Since gone back to using symfony2 though because I prefer the components but it has helped my understanding though.

I did :blush: I sort of mentioned it in one of my posts to you above.

Login is only a small part of an authentication and authorization (which you haven’t even touched yet) system. :wink:


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It’s just funny seeing all these login tutorials online and it’s a simple mysqli select / compare which then grants access. Those are 5 line logins and if you want, you can make some really complex and secure systems. It’s just funny in retrospect. All the features and functions sorta pile up.

I’m done my class now except for custom error messages (cleaned up my code and managed to probably shave off 15% of my code. Got rid of a function that was basically a duplicate :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I think that’ll just be changing the return values in my functions. Shouldn’t take that long but I do have chores to do tomorrow…

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