Displaying "Last 10 Visitors"

No, we are all volunteers here, except HAWK.

BTW, why the whole “privacy” hang-up?

And when are you going to give us a link to this site of your? :stuck_out_tongue:

The difference with the info I show about myself here is that I choose to do that, whereas you are not giving users a choice about whether or not their viewing patterns are publicized or not. Maybe give users a choice about that.

Oh, okay.

And when are you going to give us a link to this site of your? :stuck_out_tongue:

ETERNALLY in development?! (:

The difference with the info I show about myself here is that I choose to do that, whereas you are not giving users a choice about whether or not their viewing patterns are publicized or not. Maybe give users a choice about that.

Might be a nice addition to v3.0

For now, if people have hang ups about privacy, then they shouldn’t build a Profile - which is optional.


Good point.

  • Also (7) doesn’t makes sense because I don’t know what it is representing ? Is it age ? Is it Message count ? Its just confusing IMO.

Okay, I can see that. But then again, what about when you see that type of formatting with e-mail? Don’t you figure it out fairly quickly?

If you saw this, what would you guess it means…

Inbox (21)
Draft (1)
Sent (35)
Trash (150)

I think it is a similar “metaphor”…

Incase it does then it tells me exactly who is viewing who’s profile how many times which is also wrong IMO. It may create negative curiosity. There should be a limit in terms of security and privacy. If you show the number then it would like: “Oh Linda-was-here viewed my profile like 100 times, hmm she must be liking me.” So you see it changes my perspective about her. You don’t want that ?

Valid point.

  • I don’t like to include anonymous users because i don’t know how you’re making sure whether they are actual users or not ? They can either be search engine bots or some other crawlers, how will you know they are legit people ?

Good point.

I guess I could write some fancy code to sort all of that out, but at this point, I’m not that motivated.

I think phpbb way is also a nice way to go. :slight_smile:


Yes, I liked that earlier suggestion.

To do that, I guess I would need to build 2 queries - one for Members and one for Anonymous Visitors - and then display the two results-sets together.


Ah, fair enough. Then they do have options. :slight_smile:

I’d like to think so.

(I’m trying to built a “Ralph-friendly” and “Ralph-approved” website!!) :lol:

And I’ll kick around your concerns about tracking and privacy, and maybe in v3.0 - I’m working on v2.0 now - adding a Preferences Section where people can adjust their privacy and security settings.

