Div around contact form

If you can zoom text-only while not zooming the images using Chrome, then there is no need for Firefox. As I said, Firefox allows a person to zoom the text-only without zooming the images. This allows the coder to easily test the behavior of a page with different font sizes. If you can do that in Chrome, then there is no need to install Firefox.

Your knowledge that z-index sets the stack order (like layers) is very good.

About {position:relative}. There are 2 primary reasons that {position:relative} may be used on a web page.
(1) One reason is to set the z-index of an object, to change the stacking order.
(2) The other reason is to establish a context (think of “context” as a defined frame or a reference area) for an inner object that is set to {position:absolute}. If a parent container is assigned {position:relative}, then an inner container or object with {position:absolute} can be positioned so it remains relative to the parent object with {position:relative}. (This is easier to understand if you see a demonstration page.)
Both uses of {position:relative} are very valuable.

I do not see any reason to change the z-index of any of the divs on your page, and I do not see objects with {position:absolute} inside any of the divs that have {position:relative} assigned. If there is no purpose being served by this code, then it should not be in the CSS.

You can test this. Make a backup of your CSS. Then, in the working copy, remove every appearance of {position:relative} and {z-index:#} and see if anything changes on the page. In my tests, nothing changes. How about yours?

Hi ron!
so about firefox i download a tool in chrome that have also zoom text only is that what you meant is it look the same on firefox (see image) in the copy page that i sent i can zoom on text not every page i can zoom in or out what do you think?

and i did backup copy of the page it did not work for me in just to do css backup and you right it is look the same(see image)

and why is that?

thanks galia

The zoom tool looks very good. If it allows you to zoom text-only, then you do not need Firefox.

I think you asked me why the page did not change after those styles were deleted. The answer is because those styles were not doing anything. They were not needed. Unnecessary properties cluttering your code. Take them out and nothing changes. I believe that you included them because you did not understand their purpose. That’s my guess.

Your code is starting to look cleaner already.

More to do later. I have to get some sleep now.

Hi ron!

after you wake up( i hope you get good sleep) you mean i erase the code can i leave it like that?

thanks galia

When one sews a garmet together, one chooses certain fabrics, threads, and fasteners so the garmet will look the way the designer intends it to look. One does not add extra fabrics that are not appropriate “just because they are on the shelf”. The extra weight and different appearance would not be welcome.

The same can be said of writing code. One should not use useless or inappropriate styles just because one has read about them. Styles should be added as needed, not “just because the are on the shelf”.

Only when a style is known to serve a purpose should it be used. Styles that are not needed should not be in the code.

Yes, please delete those unnecessary styles from the code for this page permanently. If you have made a template for this design, remove those styles from the template so they do not show up again by default.

Does that make sense?

Hi ron!

ok but why on this page i have to do that i did not do that on the previous Page and i Do not feel comfortable to do that it is like against what i have learned or what they accepted me to do and if i do that i have to erase from every div include the container?
and yes it is make sense.

thanks galia

YES, I would encourage you to remove unnecessary styles from the previous page, too!

What else would you like for me to say? What do you want to hear?

If you don’t feel comfortable removing things, you always have the option of saving back-up copies or commenting out portions.

That way you have them to refer back to until you’re certain you don’t need them.

Hi ron!

if you ask me and sorry if i think that way is there more option or ways to do but if it is the only way so i do it my my biggest problem is that who will check my project will not give me a good grade(something i did not learn they don’t teach)

thanks galia


thank you for your good advice I’ll take that to my attention


Never in my life have I ever heard of a teacher giving a student a poor grade for learning or doing more than they were shown in class. My teachers encouraged me to read more and try things for myself and tell them what I found. They encouraged me to think independently, act responsibly and learn for myself.

I think they were very good teachers.

I understand that you are worried about how you will be graded, but I believe that the worry is not justified. Teachers are not supposed to punish good faith effort, especially successful effort. That is why it is important to understand why you do something different. If you can think for yourself, understand and explain why you do something different, then the teacher should reward you with a much better grade.

Is that how it is in Israel? Do teachers punish students for trying to do more than is taught in class? Do they discourage original thought? That is not a concept that I understand. Perhaps you can explain it to me.

You should not change your code because I tell you to change it. You should change your code if you understand why you are changing it and because you believe it is the right thing to do. If you do not understand what you are doing and why you are doing it, then you have not learned enough, yet.


Hi ron!
Now you had me confused and i do not what to do i didn’t do exactly what i have even though in my previous pages I’m still afraid it would be outside the curriculum and what i have learned and teachers do not get punished in israel if you did more than what you learned in class, but maybe it is not in the curriculum for what i have learned
Now that I think my teacher once said to show him as a site we want to do (I did not manage to do it with him)
maybe i did not learned enough just the basic
what i should do?
And by the way you have strong answers every time
thanks galia

@nono29 - you’ve said elsewhere that you took a course in web design last year, but that your project was not good enough to pass. I presume, therefore, that this project you are now working on is so you can retake that test. Is that correct?

If that is so, then think about this carefully. For the project you did last year, you used the techniques as you thought you had been instructed to do - but your project didn’t pass. Could it be that you misunderstood some of those instructions, and if so, trying to build a second project with the same errors in will not gain you a better mark. Perhaps it is time to learn something new, and use the techniques which everyone here has assured you over and over again are the correct ones in modern use.

The only other thing I can suggest is that you post here the exact requirements for your project. What were you told it must include? What instructions were you given? Then we can check for ourselves whether you have to use specific techniques.

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I have in detail on pages my score if that’s what you meant, but I have to translate it and it will take time i can sent it but it is on hebrew

thanks galia

[quote=“nono29, post:35, topic:101538”]
I have in detail on pages my score if that’s what you meant,
[/quote]That’s not really what I meant. What I meant was, what instructions were you given before you started your project? Were you told it had to include specific items, like maybe an unordered list or tabular data?

If your score explains in detail what was wrong with your previous project, then that might help. You can post it here in Hebrew, and I’ll see if Google Translate can make a decent job of it. (If you’d rather not post it publicly, you can send me a PM.)

what is pm and
no instructions or i do not remember but i think what i learned just what like a site that i want to be

Private Message

Private message. Click on TechnoBear (or any username) and you will see a big red button to Private Message.

The score card you sent me by PM has a list of items with a score against them, like “Using Meta tags and Keywords abstract” and "Designing with external CSS ". Then at the bottom of the page, it has some items marked “optional” - like “Optional - Using Iframe”.

Does this mean that you were supposed to include all the techniques which were not marked as “optional”?

i do not think so it is optional if i want to

thanks galia