Do porn affiliates make money?


Cyberwurx allows adult content sites. They are cheap and service has been good so far. However, I do not run a dedicated server, so I’m not sure about that end.

My hosting company have consented to letting me do it, so long as I follow some rigid guidelines and remove any content they deem to breach that. Awsome!

One of those guidelines though is that minors cannot access the site, which as I’m only putting up a gallery that then links to a paid site I’m kinda stuck on. Minors cannot access the paid site because of the whole credit card thing, so I imagine that will suffice. Still, if they object I’ll remove it - no harm no foul.

One final question though - does anyone know if there any laws about doing this in the UK? The server is physically situated in Germany, and I’m in Wales, UK. All content will be free from the paid sites, so will I have any problems? I’m not selling anything myself, just advertising another website.

I don’t think you’ll get slapped unless you’re in prison and you ask that question. Then you may get little more than you were asking for. :lol:

But seriously, you may get some weird looks from women and some laughs from men. :smiley:

I’m in Australia so I don’t know the UK position, but I’ve been through aspects of this before, so here it is for what it’s worth.

English (but not necessarily UK as Northern Ireland and Scotland have their own systems - no idea about Wales where you are) and Australian laws tend to be pretty similar in general, if not in detail.

A case decided here a few years ago said that the act occurs where the download occurs. It was a defamation case against a US company which published an article on its website located on, I think, US servers and directed primarily to US readers, but which could be viewed in Australia. The court held that as it could be, and was, seen in Australia it was published there and the plaintiff was defamed in Australia as well as America. I think there are similar decisions in some other Western countries to the effect that the act occurs where the item is downloaded.

It could also be an offence where the server is located. It’s an offence here to download or possess child pornography, which includes images stored on hard drives, floppies etc. So a server located in Australia serving those images exclusively to sites offshore would still fall foul of Australian law even though nobody here is viewing it and it’s not an offence where the offshore webmaster and dowloaders are.

One of my hosts is in Germany but its servers are in America. There are very strict laws in Germany about displaying Nazi symbols and various other matters related to the Nazis, such as denying the Holocaust. An Australian was extradited to Germany a few years back and tried, and from memory gaoled in Germany, because of his Australian based Holocaust denying site. My host is very strict about no porn, no swearing, etc but I don’t know if that’s because of German law or just the way it wants to run its service.

I realise you’re not doing child pornography but you want to very careful that you don’t unwittingly store or serve images that might fall into that category as most Western countries are pretty red hot in that area. Depending on how a jurisdiction defines things, an 18 year old model that looks 12 could still end up being child pornography if he or she is presented as a child. If you got into trouble, I doubt you’d be able to get the model release from whoever is supplying your material let alone get the model to verify to police or a court that he or she was over 18.

It would be best to check out the law in each jurisdiction you’ll be sending data to or storing it in. What’s legal in Germany mightn’t be in the UK or the US etc. Just because it’s legal for a host in Germany or the US or wherever to host something doesn’t mean it will be legal in the countries where the webmasters or downloaders are. Ignorance of the law is never a defence.

The problem is that once it’s on the internet it can be viewed anywhere. There probably wouldn’t be a law firm in the world that knows all the law in all the countries involved in running, hosting and viewing a porn site, so you’re probably always going to be sailing in uncharted waters. You’d proably be struggling to find lawyers in the UK who could even tell you what the relevant porn / internet / criminal law was in every European country, unless they’re all parties to the same treaty on it.

My hosting company has already outlined that one as a big no-no. I think if they’re OK with what I plan to do, it should be OK. I’m just going to create some galleries using free content from sites and link to them for the sign ups - nothing risky really.

Did notice there are 51,000,000 results in google for the niche I was going after though. Hmmm, this is gonna take some skill.

where would one go to set up affiliate thumbnail galleries like on most porn sites? do u really have to manually enter 1 thumbnail at a time?

where would one go to set up affiliate thumbnail galleries like on most porn sites? do u really have to manually enter 1 thumbnail at a time?

Alot of the content privders offer pre made ones. However, if you search through one of the adult webmaster boards, you should find alot of scripts tailord for the porn industry. Other wise you could you one of hundreds of gallery scripts available. Try

I have been in the adult biz for 6 years now. Best advise that I can give you all is. Stay away from tgp traffic. Unless you feel like burning some extra bandwith for fun. And as far as That pretty much is a BS site. You will get next to nothing from that site.

And for the us people. Better look into the new laws that have been passed.

I would be happy to answer any questions. Just pm me

blindman, what is tgp ? Ive considered creating an adult site. I found a decent content provider, what I think to be good billing software, an adult host, yadda yadda. Everything will run me around $200 a month (that’s keep with fresh content), is an adult site worth that? suggestions on a few good ad campaign sites?

tgp = thumbnail gallary post, a site which has a bunch of thumbnails of images that paysites give for free. Basically, you host a bunch of free images, they hotlink them. Blindman has said it’s a waste because usually you don’t get very many people going to your website from tgp’s, because the people who go to tgp sites stay there to look at the free pictures.

What new laws have been passed?
If GFY is crap what is a good board to read

I have yet to find one. Most adult webmasters do let out any trade secrets.

one of my friend claims that he makes $20K promoting dating site. Too hard to beleive as I have seen his bank accounts. May be he is , may be he is not

It is people like you lot who are contributing to the rapid denigration of society and taking the womens’ movement backwards. Not to mention the indirect bolstering effect on related industries and activities such as sex slavery/people traffic and child abuse.

There is no such thing as a ‘harmless’ porn site.

How do you sleep at night?

i think that zango is not the best decision… it promote fake video codec… And it is not so good, as is connected with a deceit

I’ll make no comment about those people trying to get into the porn is bad debate but I hope they can imagine what I would rely to them and what I think of them.

Anyway, back to the topic of the thread, I’ve find porn to be the easiest affiliate marketing for me, it’s been very hard in the other topics, but in porn on the french market I have been and still am successful compared to the amount of work I’ve put into it.

But I didn’t do membership sites for porn media, I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for sexshops, selling products. Some of which are DVDs but most are sextoys.

I have agree with you, James. Historically speaking I used to find it better to work with existing producers promoting their products and services who may perhaps know more about the more visual/branding aspects of their business, leaving you free to concentrate on the sales and marketing, making those commissions.

Porn affiliates for the win! You don’t need to compete in search, try to think outside of the box :slight_smile:

I think you will find porn affiliates make quite a bit of money, but you make more selling your own traffic