Do You Have a Smartphone?

Blackberry Storm 1 (no wifi) :frowning:

Though I do not have service for it. I just use it for an mp3 player, camera, video camera.

I love my gphone. They keep updating the software, and it gets better and better. Most recently, the GPS rocks.

<– Nokia N900.
Often use: Email (and exchange), Web, Calendar, Weather, Phone, GPS/Maps, taking notes (drawing with stylus).
Also gotta love the full keyboard.

I have an “ordinary” cell phone. I use it to make phone calls, nothing more. I made a grand total of 8 phone calls from my cell in 2009, and received none (I never have my phone on unless making an outgoing call). My average phone conversation on a cell phone is around 30s, and my average phone conversation on a land-line is around 20s. I don’t use text messaging since I can’t see any benefits that it offers over voice communication.

When someone can demonstrate to me a set of features on a smartphone which I would find useful, and which outweigh the disadvantages, I’ll be happy to buy one.

This is something I’ve thought about doing. What’s the call quality via skype on a mobile? Is it just like talking via the phone’s normal telephone function?

The prohibitive thing for me is that I don’t want to spend £30-40 a month on a mobile phone. That’s what smartphone contracts with unlimited internet seem to be priced at in the UK (I wouldn’t get a limited internet one). I currently spend £10 or less a month with my Nokia 6301, with a 2GB microSD so I can use it as an MP3 player, and I’m pretty happy with it.

I’m sure you are, but I bet you’d live even more comfortably with one :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not have one and can not think why I would need one.

If I travelled a lot and the screen could be opened up to say 15" they might be useful. I brought an IPAQ and used it a couple of times, that was an expensive waste of money; I still have it in a cupboard somewhere.
I had a phone with internet access for 6+ years and only went on the net a couple of times when I first had it to try it.

My phone sends and recives calls and tells the time and thats all I need. In fact I quite often do not bother carrying it with me.

I use, Banking, music, camera, calendar and words with friends like a mad man…

and like the other folks - maps/GPS/googledocs - I would be lost without my iPhone.

I just have a regular phone…but I do have an Ipod Touch! I just can’t justify the cost of a smartphone :frowning:

Current one is a Nokia E71x. That’s the third or fourth in a series that goes back to 2002?, when the smartphone was a real brick, comparatively.

Google Maps. Web browsing. Email. Contacts. Notes. Music. Pictures. All needed. Oh, and telephone, too.

Some of our people have iPhones, and love them. Not all, though. Wife uses a simple soap bar give it away free flip phone. And not much of that, either.

I have HTC Touch 2 and I love its features but I wish it has a bigger screen as I find browsing the web hard for a 2.8" screen.

I have regular phone

i had a blackberry but downgraded to a normal phone with a keyboard and 500 monthly texts. I save over $50 a month.

Smartphones are way to expensive for a single person and the benefits aren’t that great. I use my laptop to browse the web.

My Blackberry is my mini-computer when I’m away from my laptop. It’s not a replacement of course, but it has replaced my landline and my GPS unit for geocaching.

I am look at this Sony Ericcson Satio with fun admiration. The 12MB camera alone worth a a lot. Then I ask myself why would I have to be tied to an expensive contract that last 24 months? Logically, I shouldn’t have it. But again I am taken over by its beauty and functionlity. Probably better than iphone? Is it? Has anyone got it?

Have a CrackBerry, no use for an iHype phone.

No I don’t have a ‘smartphone’. I use an ordinary flip phone, pay and go. One of the things I hate about the mobile/cellular industry, are the high prices of the plans. Back in my day, we didn’t use cell phones nor did we need them! Call me old fashioned, or just call me Steve.

I have an iPhone 3GS and love it.

i was using imate jamin. currently its being fixed, its touch screen had stopped working. so i am forced to use a sony ericsson set. well can wait to get it back.

I want an iPhone but I’m sensibly waiting for Apple to release the next incarnation before I tie myself into a contract (actually I might just go PAYG and use a Skype subscription). I really would love to make use of all those cool features that smart-phones offer, especially for running my business. :slight_smile: