Do you use an RSS feed reader?

I wouldn’t have thought so myself. But I read it on the internet so it must be true :wink:

The internet is kind of like my wife in that regard. Woe unto those that say my wife is wrong about anything she says.

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I wouldn’t have thought so myself. But I read it on the internet so it must be true

Self fulfilling prophecy I think

When everyone started claiming it was dying, I thought it was still growing! Then it started getting harder and harder to find decent RSS feeds and services to read them.

customize your rss reader to have all article groups on a single page. It will useful and save you time

I think the key point is the reason for following such conversations.

I use Feedly + IFTTT for following certain forums/blogs/news sites.

I tried other things tough:

  • Google Alerts + IFTTT with well crafted search syntaxes.
  • Creating a master feed of several RSS feeds, and use Zapier to filter the results (same search syntax can be used)
  • There are also some great tools available that can automate keyword monitoring.

I wrote a detailed blog article about my experiments on these alternatives, hope it helps.

Hmmmm, definitely a valid approach, but not especially relevant to the conversation.
You’re new though, so I’ll let you off. :wink:

I had a meticulously organised Google Reader list, and held on until the bitter end… when I switched to Feedly. I wouldn’t use RSS for things like forum threads, but I can see why someone would want to.

While a lot of people say RSS is dead, it’s still massively useful — a lot of SitePoint readers follow our articles via RSS, for example.

On the articles side, we have RSS feeds for all of our different channels, as well as a general feed that includes everything:

The full feed

And so on.

A question for the group: would people be interested in an RSS feed of SitePoint’s newsletters? Is email-to-RSS still a thing?

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This might be worth a new topic.


I would probably subscribe to a SitePoint RSS feed. Actually, I definitely would. And it’d be lazy-incentive for me to share them more often too, if they were coming in to either Feedly (trying that again) or my Buffer feeds.

I would. I refuse to sign up for newsletters. My email gets bombarded with enough unwanted mail that it would make it near impossible for me to find it in all of the “fluff”. RSS lets me keep things nice and tidy and I know I’m always reading things that matter to me.

I might. I don’t use RSS feeders and never did but I’m subcribed to various SP newsletters so in this particular case, it may be handy

Yes - currently using Akregator.

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