Ergonomics: Consider or Ignore?

i dont use them. (and i’ve had surgery in both my hands for carpal tunnel syndrome, so i probably won’t need such things anyway :stuck_out_tongue: )

for me, those things are humbug :stuck_out_tongue:


You should buy some of those projection goggles that give you a 40" desktop monitor through each eye on a pair of glasses, problem solved and you’ll look cool :stuck_out_tongue:

@Crazy - that’s mental - did the surgery do anything for you?

@Saul - Is there anything you can try to prevent you from sitting so close? I dread to think what resolution you have set :shifty:

sure, It gave me a break that lasted for 4 months :smiley:

but yes, it helped. i can now feel my fingers and hands, and a lot of pain has disappeared.

I was one of those chronic cases, and it did not disappear completely, i need surgery two more times. but they are unsure if they can do it. I will probably know more in a few months.

What’s the recommended distance?

I can hardly sit any further. It’s a laptop, and I obviously need to use the keyboard which is “attached” to the display. I’d have to set back in my chair to increase the distance form the eyes, but then I’m sure my back wouldn’t like that.

BTW, 40 cm is almost 16 inches for those who use the wrong system. It is actually not THAT close, but probably not far enough either.

@saul -I found this article - it seems it has alot to do with RPV (resting point of vergence) but I’ve always been told atleast 25 inches away!

@crazy - glad it helped you out somewhat - when did you notice something was wrong? Were you using the computer for a long time before you noticed it?

I found an interesting site that may help clarify (unfortunatly not cure)about RPV , the correct sitting position etc. “Ergonomics in Australia”

I did a search with those terms Nuala, they reckon arms length is ok with regard to distance from eye level to the monitor on that site :scratch: how long is the average arm or saul’s for that matter! :rofl:

Kinda’ like “how long is a piece of string” !!

When i was a child. I was born with carpal. it runs in the family.
But i waited a long long time before i did something about it. should had surgery years ago

I never noticed anything while sitting at a computer. but boy did i noticed it while doing hard labour. I got cramp in my hands and couldn’t move them, and it felt like it got sliced up with a razor. couldn’t sleep at night, hands so numb that it couldn’t be used to anything. but i never missed a day at work :slight_smile:

That was nice :smiley: but it’s been better, but not good.

Someone’s broken the site, it doesn’t work.

25’’ (~60 cm) sounds about right. Unfortunately, it’s a matter of seconds until I rest my elbows on the table, and that cuts the missing 20 cm off. Also, can no longer read text (this size) from that distance without glasses :shifty:

I’m really upset about your Herediatory Carpal (or Neuropathy.) I am from a medical background but don’t know a lot about ‘Carpal’. Shame you were not advised to seek treatment and surgery earlier. But you seem to cope well. Look after your hands. !

I am from a medical background but don’t know a lot about ‘Carpal’.

He’s missing part of the name. Carpal refers to the bones of the wrist (Greek: karpos, wrist)

Herediatory Carpal (or Neuropathy.)

That sounds better.
Hereditary carpal neuropathy : ) Ooh ooh, acronym time: hcn!

You can go to HCN anonymous. Sounds like a fun drug name too.

@Saul - that site works ok for me :confused2 - regardless though, there’s no changing you now is there :stuck_out_tongue:

@crazy - yeah it’s a shame you didn’t act sooner but isn’t that the way with most things? We always regret we didn’t do things sooner! I can imagine at night time, sure we bend our wrists naturally when we sleep that must have been very uncomfortable plus hard labour :confused2 I complain when I get a blister if I’m doing any DIY work like shovelling gravel or something :lol: I was surprised after reading up on this syndrome, ordinarily I would hear people going on about it who used computers alot but jeeze there are so many ways you can get it plus now hereditary! :eek:

My mom had carpal tunnel syndrome where she couldn’t hold a fork to eat with and had the same trouble sleeping as Crazy. She packed apples in a factory… never did much with a computer, esp in the later years because she couldn’t double-click.

Sorry hear about your mam Stomme, has she gotten any better in time? It makes me wonder myself, I am a speed typist and well I’m on this laptop for long periods of time I’m wondering down the line if I’ll suffer from some sort of ailment because of this! :confused2

I used to have terrible back pain from sitting at my desk all day. Then I built a standing workstation. I use a stool occasionally to rest my feet.

I don’t like to complain, and i don’t like people complaining. so i didn’t wanna do something about it. Hell, I’m a VIKING :stuck_out_tongue:

I got the surgery because of my work. many of us perish or gets serious injuries every year,
so to keep the quality and safety on a high level, i felt i had to do it.
and i don’t regret waiting such a long time. one should be grateful for what you have,
there are so many people out there who have a much tougher time than you.
so who am i to complain



Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Wow, a real viking? Yaaaar!

Well no, she died, but not from carpal tunnel lawlz. : )