Event listener for text container size

Hi, good morning, Pullo. (It’s 7am here.)

Yes, very much so.

I’m at work right now (middle of the day here), but if no one beats me to it, I’ll have a look at this tonight

That works for me. I haven’t slept yet. Am about due to crawl under the covers. My cats think so, too
I appreciate your help.

Hi Ron,

Is this just an exercise in JS or is this something that can’t be done in CSS?

It seems similar to this old technique but I may be missing something important :slight_smile:

Hi, Paul. The concept is a carryover from a vB poster whose menu I found interesting. He hasn’t been back, and I don’t believe that he has repaired any of the other major issues with his site, so this is mostly an interesting JavaScript exercise. I had intended to nudge the OP toward the equally distributed menu method back on vB, but didn’t know how to make the distributed menu work with his floating bubble. What I came up with is adequate (not great)… but a good JS exercise for me.

Hi Ron,

You can write the jQuery function in plain JS like so:

function getStyle(el){
  return el.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(el);

function getWidth(el){
  return parseInt(getStyle(el).width);

function fitMenu() {
  var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.buttonBox a');
  var margins = parseInt(getStyle(buttons[1]).marginRight);
  var menuBox = Math.floor(getWidth(document.getElementById("menuBox")));
  var navWidth = Math.floor(getWidth(document.getElementById("myList")));
  var drift = 2 * buttons.length;
  var diff = (menuBox - navWidth);

  if (diff < 0 || diff >= drift) {
    correction = Math.floor(diff/drift);
    margins = margins + correction;
    for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
      buttons[i].style.marginLeft = margins + "px";
      buttons[i].style.marginRight = margins + "px";

The function could do with some refactoring, but to begin with at least, I wanted to keep it relatively analogue to yours, so that it is easier to understand and experiment with.


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Hi, Pullo,

This is perfect for me because it allows me to compare apples to apples. Thank you very much for taking the time to write this.

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