Feedback: Shorten line length for a more comfortable reading measure

So can it be done in a way that isn’t so hacky?

TBH, I’ve always found the base look to be very distracting as those links draw attention away from the post contents (and I made that point MANY times over at the discourse site). I personally think the conversations are the most important part, so if we can keep the full width, that’d be the best end result.

I agree with @DaveMaxwell

Maybe there’s something that we can do to make things right. I thinik it is natural that it is kind of hacky… Discourse was completely new for everyone and it is quite different to any forum platform out there.

Ha, I didn’t realise that

was part of our decision-making process :wink:


Then I’m very glad @orodio is around to keep you on track…

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If loviing us is not part of your decision-making process, it should… Do you know any other forum where you could find such a lovely? bear?

Not to mention, the coolest and most wonderful person in the world (that’s me, in case you’re wondering… although I know you were not wondering at all because it is soooo obvious that I’m that marvellous and perfect person)

Of course, our members are important but staff (in particular, me)… well, we’re special (at least, I am) XD

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smarty :stuck_out_tongue:

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