Front end developer not a designer

Thank you, I’m laser focus on my career.

But some focuses only on javascript like this article:

What Kind of JavaScript Developer Are You?

“JavaScript developer” used to mean “web developer,” specifically a developer who spends a lot of time working in the browser. Even as JavaScript became a specialty of its own, most JavaScript developers came through a broader web practice first, learning HTML and CSS before tackling the DOM. This was my path, and is still a common one. It was reasonably easy to absorb JavaScript by example, using it as an object manipulation language before pushing into the harder corners.

Good luck finding an all purpose “web designer catch all” article. There are just too many factions to incorporate to make an article viable.

Along with the suggestions I gave you above, you can search for any of the following terms, and start with those. I would suggest limiting your readings to something within the past year. You might miss some “bible” tomes, but I would venture to guess if older material is still relevant, the results you’ll be reading will reference them.

  • HTML best practices or HTML standards (also search for the same using HTML5 instead of HTML)
  • CSS best practices or CSS standards (also search for CSS3 as well)
  • javascript best practices
  • You could/should read the W3C and WCAG standards for HTML/CSS/Accessibility

Unfortunately for you, going it alone is going to require a lot more footwork on your part. Might be more rewarding in the long run, but you’re going to have to do the work.

I am not arguing from you. I just want to know what’s your thoughts and ideas about what I am sharing like a mentor perhaps

Design and CSS only

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Would probably be a good place to start. Just be aware that those links are over a year old, so some of the information is probably out of date.

Resources for design and CSS.

Designing for the Web

Yeah, lol I figured that out after I posted that. Unfortunately I can’t delete right away. Discourse is weird.

UX and design changes almost daily and is extremely trendy. I don’t really know of any good places to start or what you could do to quickly brush up. Just read blogs. CSS-Tricks that you linked earlier is one of my favorites, so is A List Apart. Also /r/Web_Design is a good place to find different articles from different sites.

Like @DaveMaxwell said earlier, there is a wide variety of subjects and different things to know and learn. Your best bet is just to just start making stuff. You can read all day long, but you still need to be able to put stuff on the screen.

If you don’t know CSS then do the courses over at CodeAcademy, it will give you a good intro to it as well as Javascript, jQuery, and a serverside language like Python or Ruby if you choose. These won’t teach design, because what is a good practice today, may not be good practice tomorrow.

CodePen is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code editor in your browser with instant previews.

CSS and javascript, but more CSS though.