Horizontally center a div

Hard to debug when you’re constantly changing the page :wink: .

Ok sorry!

Removing my table-layout:fixed; seems to work now?

Yes that does it, thank you.

I wonder why this doesn’t work, to fix the width of the edit and delete button columns.

td:nth-child(1) {
            width: 5px; }
td:nth-child(2) {
            width: 10px; }

That only acts as a min-width. You might as well just set both of them to 1px width and it will auto shrink as much as possible.

@cpradio Does every thread count now? :wink: [/ot]

Ok, got it, thanks for all your help.

In your dreams! You’ll slaughter me if I agree to those rules! :smile:

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Ever heard of flex boxes.
Look it up and be amazed at what it can do for layout.

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