How do you keep focus when working online?

I personally think that this is a little tough to do online job from home because there are many disturbing element which disturb to consecutively, But I always prefer to do work at night when I have to do from home.

You can keep your focus by thinking of what you can achieve when you finished your work. I mean, you have all the time in the world to surf and visit other websites when you have done what you need to do.

I suggest you make a schedule, or a time management thing. For example, you will oblige yourself to work 5 hours a day, then when you have done that, you can rest and do what you want to do. I am doing this thing, and it was effective for me.

Time management is all I can answer to you…

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Following are the tools mentioned in the link below that would help you focus while working online and blocking away the distracted site.

My secret is that “I dont” :slight_smile:

And do you get your work done anyway?

There have been times when I thought I’d be connecting to the internet, and it wasn’t available. Irritating at first, it forced me to explore my operating system more, take notes, and plan ahead.

well all work as an online internet marketing . we spent a lot of time on surfing other websites on the internet.

I too have a problem sometimes of staying focused on work at hand. The best way to deal with it is make a list of tasks to do for the day and allocate time of day to complete each of them.

i think first we should set our goals after then we will be able to manage task , planning , and these are factor play key role in any success

I love this list. I would add one to it:

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can put off indefinitely”

I think the best alternative will be to assemble a list of the task one need to perform at a time and also while working online you need to be a little conscious about the work as a small fault will result into very harsh repercussions.