How long does it take you to design a homepage?

For getting an idea and basic layout of a homepage design, it takes me about twenty to thirty minutes, which I sketch on paper (faster). Actually designing it in Photoshop takes a bit longer - I’d say about three hours, though it can take more depending on how graphically intensive it is; I roll my own graphics. Sometimes, if I need some photographs or textures, I take my camera and walk around town. (While passersby stare at the crazy dude studiously taking a picture of a brick wall). So it really depends on the site.

If I have the time, I also find it good to create the main subpages in Photoshop prior to picking up the code editor. This tend to create a much more unique, creative website.

Turning the design into code can take anywhere from one hour to six hours, depending mainly on how much Js magic is going on and if I make it responsive or not.

It takes me min 5 hours to design a homepage. That’s where inspiration comes in. If I have the whole idea of design in my head, it can be even less than 5 hrs

Have you tried to give it a bit longer than few hours? cause i am pretty sure good stuff cant be made in few hours from scratch.
At some point i thought that i can make a web site in 2 hours but than i turned back and realized that its sht and worse then standard word press themes.
So if you are starting i d suggest you go through design over and over, adding details and implementing more interesting solutions.

Well home or index page is the gateway to other web pages in a site.The home page should be highly attractive as the first page from user point of view.Attractive home page creates a good impression in the user.So you can spend more time in designing home page being the main highlight.You should also include attractive web animations for banners in the home page.According to my opinion 3 Hours is a reasonable time for designing a home page.

[FONT=Verdana]Sorry, but that’s not true. A web site is not like a book, where people start at the first page and read through to the last page. Visitors may arrive at your site on any page, depending on the link they followed, the search terms they entered, etc.

Why? If you’re going to offer opinions as advice, then please explain your reasoning. Animations can cause serious usability issues for some visitors, and need to be done carefully and considerately. In particular, they need a mechanism by which they can be easily disabled (or better still, to be static unless the visitor chooses to activate them).

this is 1-3 days for a single website layout design from scratch, or multiple designs , As I have sometimes designed a site in anywhere from 1 to 7 days , and then their have been times where I had to go through 8 to 10 design iterations taking about from 2 weeks to a month for the client to approve the design and then another 2 days to code it.