Ideal Article Length

There is no one answer. It depends a lot on what style you are using and how much information you have to get across. If the site has an informal, conversational tone it can take longer to get all the information in. If you are writing an AP style article that sticks to the facts with no opining, it can be considerably shorter.

I know that this is an old thread, however thought that I would throw my 2 cents in. I’ve been writing article offline for some time now, and have recently moved into online. There is a substantial difference between the new mediums. For offline i’d suggest around 1,000 words, and for online around 500 words. Of course, this is all dependent on the content. Keep your article relevant and to the point.

for me, I think there’s no minimum numbers of characters to be considered as an Ideal Article length, in fact there should be no ideal article length for as long as you describe the topic on your article properly and every reader who stumble upon it will be able to understand what you have to say.

i like to keep blog posts 250-350 words and actual articles 450-700

On our article website, we generally will break articles that are over 500 words up in parts based on 350 word increments on the articles we write. If one of our authors writes the article we suggest it, but it is not mandatory. Most people won’t read an article that is over 500 words unless they are extremely interested in the material. Plus if it is too long, you affect the time it takes to load the page.

The length of your articles should be natural. This also boils down to the amount of code on your pages. If you don’t suffer from code bloat then an article of 400 - 500 words will be fine. A minimum bench mark I have heard of before is 350. The main thing to remember is to add value.

i think 200 words are enough

Very informative thread. Thanks for sharing. I always figured 400 was an average, proper amount.

My article usually only 250 - 300 words.But keyword rich not keyword spamming.I can see increase in my serps recently.

I like to use 300 - 500 words with keyword using h1

500 words seems to be the norm from what I have seen.

No more than 500 words for an item for an article directory… and usually about the same for a blog post. You shouldn’t really write more than that for the internet unless it is something special - when on online people don’t really have the attention span for long articles

In my opinion, if it is an article for your site, shoot for 500. If it is an article for submission, 300 words is perfect

As a writer, I would like to write long articles, in which I can develop my theme gradually and thoroughly, but none of my employers will let me do that. So I write 150-500 words articles, which I suppose is the longest an article can get before the attention deficit disorders start losing interest.