I'm about to get fired

My point is that you can’t compare the job stability from Federal Contractors as Government employee. Yes, you are gov’t who gets 2x the pay but you take 2~4x the risk.



Don’t forget that the government (at least the US government) always goes for the lowest bidder.

TWICE the pay??? What country do you live in??? I’m actually being paid about 80% what I should be getting, and have less job security as a result (the only advantage that a Federal Contractor has is that the government has already budgeted and spent the money to the consulting firms that hire contractors, so a govt shutdown doesn’t fire us. In fact, contractors are usually the ones who keep showing up when the government employees are on furlough.)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I also drive almost an hour to get here, as opposed to the 1/2 hour I used to do when working private sector, so I’m driving twice as far for the lower pay and higher risk.


45ish percent here. I WISH I was around 80…

Yeah - and I work at a DoD-based school so I also get snow days and get paid :smiley: .

Wow… I really didn’t know… I take back all my words.

All of them ever? :smiley:


If I seemed to get a bit hyper about this, I apologize. It wasn’t my intention. I can get fairly excited about certain topics.

But, yeah, being a federal contractor isn’t as great as many people think it is. I don’t know about other installations, but where I work, there is a bias against federal contractors… even if our car is damaged in a flood while on base, DoD insurance will not cover the damages.

But, I love working here. I love the people I work with. I enjoy working along-side those in uniform. And I love the work that I do.



No one else here ever gets too excited about anything ever!


I would also like to apologize to the OP. I did NOT mean to hijack your thread!

It would probably be a good idea to discuss Fed Contractor and stuff like that in another thread.


Hey man!
No problem talking about that here.

I`ve just stop talking because I live in Brazil and we have to many differences between our governments.

Just happy to see how active this community is.


I’m better than nice people… I’m perfect! :stuck_out_tongue:

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… and also THE most humble participant, here. :smile:

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That goes without saying :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, all of them!

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