Is 31 Dec.2012 last date of the Earth?

I thought it was about how time speeds up when your with a beautiful woman :stuck_out_tongue:

On the more realistic side of things, mass extinctions have happened throughout Earth’s history; and whether physical existence on Earth likes it or not, the planet doesn’t seem to discriminate. In fact, according to the [URL=“”]Toba catastrophe theory, the human population was reduced to 10,000 only 73,000 years ago.

Are these previous extinctions a bad thing? I don’t think so. It it weren’t for those extinctions we wouldn’t have evolved as the human species were are today. So if there is another mass / partial extinction around the corner, history shows us that it will only make room for better species to evolve.

sol…? we might die?

As a general rule… everybody die or will die at some point… nothing to worry about.

oh common how can you believe such stupidness? And let us suppose it’s the end of the world,what? It’s not like, you`ll be the only one dying, everybody will die so,no problem.

You can’t even spell ‘come on’ and you’re calling people stupid? :rolleyes:

:lol::lol: Funny thread.

The funniest thing of all is how we humans completely forget that the universe doesn’t revolve around us and ‘dates’ are just meaningless names given to events that will occur with or without us. This planet orbited our sun for hundreds of millions of years before we came along and decided to give names to the time periods it takes to do that and to spin on it’s axis.

12/12/12 is arbitrary and utterly meaningless. We might as a well call it £$–^%&**mm…//$ and it would still be meaningless.

I espcially have a problem with so called ‘important’ dates based on the Christian calendar but I’m not allowed to talk about that apparantly, probably a good job.

I decline that £$–^%&**mm…//$ isn’t important! That was molona asleep at her keyboard typing a very rewarding answer to a thread mid sentence :stuck_out_tongue: :lol:

Im not calling anyone stupid,Im just saying that believing in this this is a stupidity,it’s a different thing, I`m don’t want offend,sorry.

Stupidity according to

So you are saying that people who believe in this are stupid. You may not mean to, but you do. :wink:

Off Topic:

Oh, and in contractions like “I’m” there should be an apostrophe ('), not a grave accent or backtick (`). You got it right in “it’s” and “don’t”.

AusticCuckoo , Im writting with "" beacause Im used with it from my language (Romanian), I use "" instead of “-” on internet chat so excuse me for my typeing and for the thing with stupidity,I apologize,didn’t meant to offend someone.

Interesting what people will believe. My friend’s daughter was in a very bad automobile accident and was awarded a settlement of $160K to be paid in periodic installments over her lifetime beginning at age 30. But as she believes the world will end in 2012 and therefore she won’t reach her 30’th birthday, she took a $30K lump sum settlement instead. As my friend said, she turned $160K into $30K.

But I guess we’ve all made poor decisions. I won’t throw the first stone.

nonsense! :slight_smile:

Agree aranac :slight_smile:

The 21 Dec 2012 is the Mayan equivalent of what the Y2K bug was for two digit year numbers.

Anyway didn’t the world end for the Mayans some time ago (circa 1300AD) so there isn’t anyone alive to have a problem with the calendar on 22 Dec 2012.

Alternatively if the world is coming not coming to an end until 31 Dec 2012 and the Mayan calendar is still considered to be relevant (since that’s where the idea of 2012 comes from) then we will still need a fix for it to be able to handle the dates from 22nd Dec onwards.

Hah, yeah I’m only 22 but still remember that “Y2K bug”.

Anyway, if the world would end in 2012, it would be a huge coincidence.

How can a world “end” anyway? I don’t see that happening.

The earth is in no danger of disappearing. In one of the gospels Peter asks Jesus how will the world come to an end. Jesus answer sounds alarmingly like what will happen when the sun goes nova. We do not know the exact date, hour and minute that will happen but we can guess within a hundred years and it is another 40,000 years to come!

All of the prophesies about 12/21/2012 do NOT say “end of the world” but “as we know it”. And the Mayan long count calendar does not END on 12/21/2012 it BEGINS there. They chose an easily recognizable astronomical event (the orbit of our solar system crossing the “Grand Meridian” of the Milky Way Galaxy) as the STARTING point of their long count calendar and then calculated backward from there. Even this calendar’s interpretations say “as we see it now” not an absolute end.

12/21/2012 WILL be a major change on the planet, we are witnessing, now, the “birth pangs” of a new age. That some cataclysmic event will occur is already in process but just how much it will change the world we have yet to see. The rapture is not yet, the major change in human attitude will be a shift from Newtonian physics and dicotomatic thinking to “infinite possibility” and a greater recognition of paranormal abilities.