Long shot but can anyone tell me how to accomplish this?

Huh. Well that’s good I guess. Its happened to me since we put it together. I have just been ignoring it until now. Can one other person please look on their machine In ie8 and click th animation to OFF. Does the plane and clouds disappear or do they go to their default positions? Thanks.


Bummer I finally found a intext add network to work with but it breaks the on/off animation jquery cookie madoger. It won’t turn off with the ad script in place. Here is the Kontera script http://kona.kontera.com/javascript/lib/KonaLibInline.js. Can a trained eye see or think of any blaring reason that would break it? The Kontera script goes at the very bottom. I tried placing it everywhere else on the page but changes nothing. Thanks for your help.

Here is the site that incounters the problem. http://www.websitecodetutorials.com/. FYI the Kontera script is not on the page now. I took it off for the time being.

Hey Eric,

The JS file you link to is minified, so it will be pretty hard to spot what might be stopping it from working.
Could you possibly make a demo page or something which demonstrates the problem?

Thank you Pullo. :slight_smile: Good morning, thank you for your reply! I just tested it for about a half hour. It works/doesn’t work 50% of the time. It’s the ON/OFF animation at the top that gets broke if I use the Kontera script. All the animation associated scripts are nicely organized in the “combined.js”. The kontera is at the bottom too. Thanks for your help.

Here is the text page. http://www.websitecodetutorials.com/kontera-test.php

And here is that same Kontera script un-minified.

window.KONA_VERSION || (window.KONA_VERSION = "2013_07_30");
if (window.parent !== window && !window.dc_Frames) try {
    window.parent.location.href !== window.location.href && (window.konaBeenHere = !0)
} catch (e$$8) {
    window.konaBeenHere = !0
if (!0 !== window.konaBeenHere) {
    window.konaBeenHere = !0;
    var konaGetTime = function () {
        return (new Date).getTime()
    }, konaStartTime = konaGetTime(),
    (function () {
        function a() {
            if (!e) {
                if (!document.body) return setTimeout(a, 13);
                e = true;
                for (var b = 0; b < f.length; b = b + 1) f[b].call(document)

        function b() {
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                } catch (c) {
                    setTimeout(b, 1);
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            d, e = false,
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                d, false);
        } : document.attachEvent && (d = function () {
            if (document.readyState === "complete") {
                document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", d);
        KONTERA_INTERFACE.ready = function (g) {
            if (!c) {
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                    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", d, false);
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                    window.attachEvent("onload", a);
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                    try {
                        h = window.frameElement ===
                    } catch (k) {}
                    document.documentElement.doScroll && h && b()
            e ? g.call(document) : f && f.push(g)
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.getReporterUrl = function () {
        return function (a) {
            return a.indexOf("?") > 0 ? a : a + "?"
        }(function () {
            var a = KONTERA_INTERFACE.reactionResponse ? KONTERA_INTERFACE.reactionResponse.reporterUrl : void 0;
            return a ? a : "http://kona33.kontera.com/KonaReport.js?rId=dummy&p=" + window.dc_PublisherID
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.getReporterParams = function () {
        return KONTERA_INTERFACE.urlToJson(KONTERA_INTERFACE.getReporterUrl())
    var isWindows = function () {
        return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") !== -1 ? true : false
    }, isMac = function () {
            return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") !== -1 ? true : false
        }, getQueryVariable = function (a) {
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                c = d[e].split("=");
                c[0] === a && (b = c[1])
            return b
        }, kona$ = function (a) {
            return document.getElementById(a)
        }, exploreDomainName = function () {
            var a = konaThisURL.toLowerCase(),
                b = "";
            if (a.indexOf("http://www") === 0 || a.indexOf("https://www") ===
                0) {
                b = a.indexOf("http://www") + 11;
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            return b
        }, isInArray = function (a, b) {
            for (var c =
                0; c < a.length; c = c + 1)
                if (a[c] === b) return true;
            return false
        }, KonaHash = function () {
            this.length = 0;
            this.items = [];
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                if (typeof arguments[a + 1] !== "undefined") {
                    this.items[arguments[a]] = arguments[a + 1];
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                    this.length = this.length - 1;
                    a = this.items[b];
                    delete this.items[b]
                return a
            this.getItem = function (b) {
                return this.items[b]
            this.setItem = function (b, a) {
                if (typeof a !== "undefined") {
                    if (typeof this.items[b] ===
                        "undefined") this.length = this.length + 1;
                    this.items[b] = a
                return a
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                return typeof this.items[a] !== "undefined"
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                var d = b[c].split("=");
                if (a === d[0]) return unescape(d[1])
            return null
        }, createKonaCookie = function (a, b, c) {
            var d = "";
            if (c) {
                d = new Date;
                d.setTime(d.getTime() + c * 864E5);
                d = "; expires=" + d.toGMTString()
            document.cookie = a + "=" + b + d + "; path=/"
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            createKonaCookie(a, "", -1)
        }, getFlashFullVersion =
            function () {
                var a = "?";
                if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length) {
                    var b = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
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                } else {
                    try {
                        b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")
                    } catch (c) {
                        try {
                            b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
                            a = [6, 0, 21];
                            b.AllowScriptAccess = "always"
                        } catch (d) {
                            if (a[0] === 6) return a
                        try {
                            b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")
                        } catch (e) {}
                    if (b && b.GetVariable("$version")) return b.GetVariable("$version")
                return a
        }, getFlashVersion =
            function () {
                var a = [0, 0, 0];
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                    var b = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
                    b && b.description && (a = b.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\\s)+/, "").replace(/(\\s+r|\\s+b[0-9]+)/, ".").split("."))
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                        b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")
                    } catch (c) {
                        try {
                            b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
                            a = [6, 0, 21];
                            b.AllowScriptAccess = "always"
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                            if (a[0] === 6) return a
                        try {
                            b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")
                        } catch (e) {}
                    b && (a =
                        b.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","))
                return a
        }, checkFlashSupport = function () {
            if (getFlashVersion()[0] >= 8 && !KONTERA_INTERFACE.isMobile) window.hasRMFlashSupport = true
        }, checkFlashSupportForHybrid = function () {
            return getFlashVersion()[0] >= 9 ? true : false
        }, konaStartTime = (new Date).getTime(),
        konaPageLoadMeasureReport = {};
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.ready(function () {
        konaPageLoadMeasureReport.pr = (new Date).getTime() - konaStartTime
        konaTweakMode = TWEAK_MODE_DEFAULT;
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.replaceStringWith =
        function (a, b, c) {
            return a.replace(RegExp(b, "gi"), c)
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.trace = function () {
        typeof window.console !== "undefined" && typeof window.console.log === "function" && window.console.log.apply(window.console, arguments)
    var konalogMode = !1,
        isKonaFirst = !1;
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    KONTERA_INTERFACE.isMobile = navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone|Android|iPhone|iPad|J2ME|Symbian|BlackBerry|sonyericsson|nokia|Windows CE|Opera Mini/i) || document.location.search.match(/(kona_iphone|kona_android)=1/) ||
    (function () {
        if (window.KONA_PREV_VERSION) {
            var a = KONTERA_INTERFACE.isMobile ? 50 : 90;
            window.konaAB_JSVersion = window.konaAB_JSVersion || a;
            Math.random() * 100 < window.konaAB_JSVersion ? KONA_VERSION = KONA_PREV_VERSION : konaTweakMode = konaTweakMode | 4
        getQueryVariable("konadir") && (KONA_VERSION = getQueryVariable("konadir"))
    var konaDate = "24_03_2010",
        bOpera = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera"),
        bAvant = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("avant"),
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        bIE8 = bIE && -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8"),
        bChrome = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome"),
        bFlock = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("flock"),
        bSafari = -1 !== navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari"),
        bMozilla = !bOpera && !bIE && !bSafari && !bFlock,
        bFireFox2 = bMozilla && -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/2"),
        bFireFox3 = bMozilla && -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/3"),
        bUnknown = !bMozilla && !bFireFox2 && !bFireFox3;
    "undefined" === typeof window.HTTP_KONA && (window.HTTP_KONA = "http://kona.kontera.com");
    "undefined" === typeof window.HTTP_KONAC && (window.HTTP_KONAC = "http://konac.kontera.com");
    var HTTP_KONAX = "http://konax.kontera.com",
        HTTP_IMAGES = "http://images.kontera.com";
    "https:" === window.location.protocol && (HTTP_IMAGES = HTTP_KONAC = HTTP_KONA = "https://secure-js.kontera.com");
    getQueryVariable("konaip") && (HTTP_KONA = "http://" + getQueryVariable("konaip"), HTTP_KONAC = "http://" + getQueryVariable("konaip"));
        konaUserID = "",
        konaSessionID = "",
        konaBaseHere = !1,
        konaRetry = 300,
        delayJSFlowBY = -1,
        isNewLayer = !1,
        isBritannicaFF3 = bFireFox3,
        problematicAdverisers = [];
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.write || (KONTERA_INTERFACE.write = function (a) {
    "undefined" === typeof window.dc_flowMode && (window.dc_flowMode = 0);
    window.location.search.match("konaflow") && (window.dc_flowMode = parseInt(getQueryVariable("konaflow"), 10));
    "undefined" === typeof window.dc_flowByCommand && (dc_flowByCommand = !1);
    if (1 ===
        window.dc_flowMode || 3 === window.dc_flowMode) "undefined" === typeof window.dc_startInterval ? window.dc_startInterval = 0 : window.delayJSFlowBY = window.dc_startInterval;
    var isDynamicContent;
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    var konaHCdemo = -1,
        konaThisURL = window.location.toString(),
        isRestrictedUrl = !1,
        konaHCdemoUrls = new KonaHash("http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/vitamins/194", 0, "http://www.mensfitness.com/sports_and_recreation/outdoor_recreation/55",
            1, "http://www.mensfitness.com/Tshirt_Workout/fitness/ab_exercises/136?cid=RSS", 2, "http://www.shape.com/workouts/articles/workout_schedule.html", 3, "http://www.shape.com/workouts/articles/blood_sugar.html", 4, "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/16/paul-mccartney-hopes-to-r_n_144138.html", 5);
    konaHCdemoUrls.hasItem(konaThisURL) && (konaHCdemo = konaHCdemoUrls.getItem(konaThisURL));
    var konaHCdemoUrls = null,
        hybridGroup = new KonaHash(7792, 1, 10747, 1, 47839, 1, 52730, 1, 32100, 1, 38144, 1, 64727, 1, 70447, 1, 70448, 1, 73310,
    hybridGroup.hasItem(dc_PublisherID) && 32100 !== dc_PublisherID && (7792 !== dc_PublisherID && 10747 !== dc_PublisherID) && (konaTweakMode |= 32768);
    var dynamicContentPubs = [50635, 50201, 50629, 50630];
    isDynamicContent |= isInArray(dynamicContentPubs, dc_PublisherID);
    var isForcedDynamicContent = !1,
        forcedDynamicContentPubs = new KonaHash(104880, bIE);
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    if (48817 === dc_PublisherID)
        for (var restrictedUrlGroup =
            "http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/ppmtoday http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/db2luw http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/db2zos http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/elsua http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-talk http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/penguinista-databasiensis http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/juice-analytics http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/minimalit http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/pm/ppm".split(" "), j = 0; j < restrictedUrlGroup.length; j += 1)
            if (-1 !== konaThisURL.toLowerCase().indexOf(restrictedUrlGroup[j].toLowerCase())) {
                isRestrictedUrl = !0;
    var konaHCdelayPagesUrls = ["http://autospies.com/", "http://autospies.com/news/recent.aspx"],
        adPreviewMode = !1;
    if ("undefined" !== typeof window.dc_adPreview || "undefined" !== typeof window.dc_standAloneMode) adPreviewMode = !0;
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    var delayPageKeyPubs = [50517, 73384, 58050, 85192, 14429, 23724, 4130, 14541, 32528, 7611, 6682, 8192, 35725, 8079, 5278, 4566, 52987, 12854, 4213, 40109, 61456, 76947, 38115, 52417, 21401, 48820, 35061, 7834, 52993, 50537,
        7795, 73386, 64532, 29104, 35267, 50538, 47547, 36981, 7283, 15304, 7121, 72598, 50375, 6912, 73395, 32101, 58816, 64381, 92562, 144527, 141351, 141350, 155821, 58109, 161007, 161008, 161009, 161010, 161011, 161012, 161013, 161014, 161015, 161016, 159088, 167686, 186783, 187350, 192506, 195798, 196319, 191434, 191137, 187350, 188147, 188075, 209905
        handlePageKey = function () {
            return isInArray(delayPageKeyPubs, dc_PublisherID) || isInArray(konaHCdelayPagesUrls, konaThisURL) || window.dc_flowMode === 3 ? true : false
        }, isDelayPageKey = handlePageKey(),
        sName = "KonaBase.js",
    userInteractionBaseJs = KONTERA_INTERFACE.isMobile ? "KonaMobile.js" : "KonaFlashBase.js";
    var newLayerGroupTailoring = !1,
        newLayerPublishersArray = [50198, 70028, 71869, 71881, 96216, 74998, 48414, 100478, 100480],
        konaNonSupportedPlatform = !1;
    if (140070 === dc_PublisherID || 140073 === dc_PublisherID) konaNonSupportedPlatform = !0;
    !KONTERA_INTERFACE.isMobile && !0 === window.dc_MobileOnly && (konaNonSupportedPlatform = !0);
    KONTERA_INTERFACE.isRelatedDemo = "1" === getQueryVariable("kona_related");
    if (isInArray(newLayerPublishersArray,
        dc_PublisherID)) var basePublisherPath = HTTP_KONA + "/javascript/lib/" + KONA_VERSION + "/flash/publishers_design/" + dc_PublisherID + "/",
    isNewLayer = newLayerGroupTailoring = !0, sName = "KonaInfra.js";
    else {
        var isUserInteractionLayer;
        window.konaForceNewLayer ? isUserInteractionLayer = !0 : getQueryVariable("konanl") ? isUserInteractionLayer = "1" === getQueryVariable("konanl") : !checkFlashSupportForHybrid() && !KONTERA_INTERFACE.isMobile ? (isUserInteractionLayer = !1, window.hasRMFlashSupport = !1) : isUserInteractionLayer = !0
    isUserInteractionLayer &&
        (newLayerGroupTailoring = isNewLayer = !1, sName = userInteractionBaseJs, konaTweakMode |= Math.pow(2, 16));
    var isHybridForLinuxFlag = !1;
    if (hybridGroup.hasItem(dc_PublisherID) && (0 < (konaTweakMode & 18432) || 0 < (konaTweakMode & 32768)) && checkFlashSupportForHybrid()) isHybridForLinuxFlag = !0, sName = "FlashKonaLibBaseRM.js";
    if (!isNewLayer) {
        var randCDN = 100 * Math.random();
        getQueryVariable("konac") || 80 >= randCDN ? (konaTweakMode |= 33554432, HTTP_KONTERA_BASE = HTTP_KONAC) : HTTP_KONTERA_BASE = HTTP_KONA
    adPreviewMode && (sName = "KonaBase.js");
    var isCalledKonaBase = !1;
    String.format = function () {
        if (arguments.length === 0) return null;
        for (var a = arguments[0], b = 1; b < arguments.length; b = b + 1) a = a.replace(RegExp("\\\\{" + (b - 1) + "\\\\}", "gm"), arguments[b]);
        return a
    var tryToTraceRounds = 5,
        trace = function (a) {
            if (typeof jsTrace !== "undefined") jsTrace.send(a);
            else {
                tryToTraceRounds = tryToTraceRounds - 1;
                tryToTraceRounds > 0 ? setTimeout("trace('" + a + "')", 500) : tryToTraceRounds = null
        }, logit = function (a) {
        }, KonaJSfiles = [],
        scriptTagId = function () {
            var a = "";
            dc_PublisherID ===
                503 && bIE6 && (a = "ID='catfish-wrap'");
            return a
        }, startDynamicContentFlow = function () {
            if (!(window.dc_flowMode === 0 || window.dc_flowMode === 1)) {
                if (window.dc_flowMode !== 3) {
                    delayJSFlowBY = 3E3;
                    isDynamicContent = true;
                    if (!isCalledKonaBase) {
                        isCalledKonaBase = true;
                        for (var a, b = 0; b < KonaJSfiles.length; b = b + 1) {
                            a = document.createElement("script");
                            a.type = "text/javascript";
                            a.src = KonaJSfiles[b];
                if (typeof konaBaseHere !== "undefined")
                    if (konaBaseHere) {
                        if (window.dc_flowMode ===
                            2) {
                            $JK.isReady = true;
                            $JK(function () {})
                    } else {
                        konaRetry = konaRetry - 1;
                        konaRetry > 0 && setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 75)
    if (!konaNonSupportedPlatform && (isNewLayer && (KonaJSfiles[KonaJSfiles.length] = basePublisherPath + "designParams.js" + konaSuffix), KonaJSfiles[KonaJSfiles.length] = HTTP_KONTERA_BASE + "/javascript/lib/" + KONA_VERSION + "/" + sName, "undefined" !== typeof dc_PublisherID)) {
        var scriptTags = "",
            disableKontera = readCookie("KonteraContentLink"),
            disableInfra = readCookie("disable_kontera"),
            tagID = scriptTagId();
        if (!isRestrictedUrl && !(isHybridForLinuxFlag && !isWindows() && !isMac() || !checkFlashSupportForHybrid() && hybridGroup.hasItem(dc_PublisherID) || disableKontera || disableInfra || 73310 === dc_PublisherID || isDynamicContent || !isKonaFirst)) {
            if (!window.document || !window.document.body) KonaJSfiles = [KONTERA_INTERFACE.getReporterUrl() + '&MQKey=Errors&ReportData={"JSVersion":"' + KONA_VERSION + '","url":"' + escape(window.location) + '","errorType":"badtag"}&r=' + Math.floor(1001 * Math.random())];
            for (var i = 0; i <
                KonaJSfiles.length; i += 1) scriptTags = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript' " + tagID + " SRC='" + KonaJSfiles[i] + "'><\\/SCRIPT>", KONTERA_INTERFACE.write(scriptTags)
        hybridGroup = null;
        4 === window.dc_flowMode && KONTERA_INTERFACE.ready(startDynamicContentFlow)

There are two errors on that page:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null - combined.js:95
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'cur' of undefined - combined.js:8

The first error is coming from your “hide email” script, the second from jQuery itself.
What happens when you remove the “hide email” script?

Sorry that took so long. OK removed the email script from the test page http://www.websitecodetutorials.com/kontera-test.php but still no dice. I also put a call into Kontera themselves but I’m not holding my breath. Any other thoughts?

Hi Eric,

After a lot of searching, I got things to work (for me at least).
Here’s a demo.

All I did was swap out your minified version of jQuery with a link to a CDN-hosted one:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I’m not sure if this’ll work for you, as maybe the kontera script will only work on your server and not locally for me.
Anyway, give it a try and let me know how you get on.

Actually, the Kontera script does seem to be working, at least when you hover over the links.

Thanks Pullo! Man that has happened to me so many times. For some reason I never seem to think of upgrading the jQuery or plugin. Anyways thanks that did indeed fix it.