Making text hard to copy?

Many thanks, the info is appreciated. Has anyone got any proof that googlebot searches through pdf’s ?


Googlebot search document (doc, pdf…).


[PDF] Delovni koledar 2010 - StudioFACA Portal - [ Translate this page ]
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
27. april. 25. junij. 1. november. Novo leto. Slo. kulturni praznik … - Similar

The huge number of PDFs that Google has indexed for words and phrases contained within them is pretty good proof…

None of those methods will stop people copying your content.

Anything that uses Javascript to “stop” copying can be got round very easily by disabling Javascript. Anything that uses Javascript to compile the page is inaccessible and will prevent the page appearing in search results - and won’t stop people copying it.

You can’t publish content on the web and prevent people from copying it. The more difficult you make it to copy, the more difficult you make it for people to use it at all, and the more likely it is that people will copy it.

Hi Dez,
Any reason why you wouldn’t consider this previous suggestion at all?

Just curious that I may have misunderstood what you are trying to achive.
Best wishes,

  • Vincent

Hmmm, several ideas:

  1. You could discourage people from selecting your text using a mouse by putting an absolutely positioned div over all of it. Would still be spiderable, wouldn’t prevent select all though

  2. You could disable right click in javascript, this would confuse a few people.

  3. You could display different content to google, a plain pdf to google and an outlined version to everyone else. Bad idea for obvious reasons.

  4. You could stick it behind a paywall.

IMO The only foolproof way is option 4, if your content is as valuable as you think people might just pay for it.

You could show different content to the

do you know google lunch google doc spider grab pdf file content easily.avoid pdf content from google only one solution that is robots.txt


user-agent:* disallow:/*.pdf$

The only method is to cloak the content and show it to search engines, expert exchange used to do this. Its illegal to search engines so dont do it.

A better solution is to sell your data via a purchaseable PDF or something and then show sample or excerpt data for the search engines and customers to see what your offering and then opt to buy it.

Of course, the other obvious way is to put it out there as much as possible, then people will know it’s yours.

If your content is for promotion and you don’t want to monetize it directly, I would do that. If you want to monetize it, then sell it as an ebook.

You can see if your content has been published on the web with

Nothing stops someone from typing up your content manually. Like others have said – if it’s online, it’s copyable.