March shout-out: What's the biggest secret that you've ever hidden from your mother?

Hehe Vinsar, your mother’s source of lead is very good ! :lol:

had a car accident because of my own fault…and I blamed somebody else :wink:

had some failed exams and she never knows…don’t tell her, pls !

that i took my dads car out and nearly crashed it haha oops

Those weren’t brownies in that paper bag…

Wow ! Did you hurt or something ?

I shot the sheriff…my mom never knows…

[FONT=“Georgia”]A very short but very fun relationship with a woman almost twice my age, whose good friend my mom used to work for.


the good things subsist too short time…

  • I still wear boxers.

Biggest secret? Not much I tell my mother everything. What she doesn’t know is the amount I spend on useless products.

It’s a big one :slight_smile:

Mothers knows everything. Since she was understanding us when we were not even able to speak, how can we hide anything from her. Still I think, she doesn’t knows that i smoke and I don’t have the guts to tell her.:x

I never did tell her how my bed broke :wink: