My chatting days are over! Are yours?


I don’t think so there is no end of chating. chating over when this site like face book,twitter is over.

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about here :shifty:

Chatting is on the decline. Facebook and sites like it are growing. Twitter will drift into obscurity over time.

I used to be on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) constantly. Now I have no use for it. I use mainly Twitter and Forums to interact with other people in the Blogopsphere.

I’m still kind of struggling, an yes, chatting has been one of my time wasters and would like to end this very counterproductive habit.

In my personal opinion to have proper communication through online medium is chat a definately the way to go for as it , if I don’t care about immediacy of response then may be i go for Facebook or any social networking site in online medium.

Dang, and you’re a great chatter as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow ! Quite Interesting Posts and Interesting People. My chatting days are over too :slight_smile:

I chat with friends and family that are 2000km away. Or even better, we talk and see eachother via Skype.
I also chat (and call, and email) with collegues about work.
I’ve never chatted with strangers just for the fun of chatting, and I don’t think I’ll ever do.

I actually like it more. Of course the internet and other mobile devices today are helping us big time with just about anything. Ha, we are all making money online through the internet and by using a bunch of communication systems. But then, life before was more simple. I get in touch with my extended family members and friends more often than today-being with them in person that is.

That doesn’t make life necessarilly more simple :wink:

Yes it does. (:

Welcome Tom :wave: I guess that you mean that your first chat in this forum is this post :stuck_out_tongue: But sure you visit other forums and maybe use MSN or similar. Confess! :stuck_out_tongue:

You said your are thinking that your are outgrew…then i think chatting is not an un matured thing…to go for…its just talking to friends which can be done in any days

I still need to ‘chat’ yes i would agree we have changed the way we communicate to one another with the likes of twitter,email and many other ways,but i guess people could say the same thing about the telephone a 100 years ago.You wont stop progress that is for sure,Skype was a massive move forward for us all this allows us to not only speak to each other but also via webcam.

I have started job. So I spend 8 hours on the computer at office. So I have no time to do that and also get frustrated from computer.

And that kinda scares me about the future of communication. Who would have imagined 20 years ago that all communications can be this advanced? The other week I saw a couple living the same house fighting over something and posting their arguments on facebook.

Chatting is the means of Conversation,and to have conversation does not have any age limits

Forums & emails yes - I think there is more substance to this method of communication rather than IM-ing - I at least think so anyways. I think I just find it more enjoyable and worthwhile rather than real time nowadays! Skype…Hmm I must say, I do like this messenger, I never used to like it at all - I prefer to voice chat myself too - it’s more me than typing I guess.

I find myself on more communities these days than I was a long time ago - I guess its because I love to chat.

My chatting days are not over. i chat with my friends by facebook, gmail and skype.