Please welcome our new Mentors!

Congrats on the promotion guys. If you stick around to this long I know you will be here for while longer.

See you around

Very much welcomed :slight_smile:

Welcome all of them!

Person like me need train and lean many things.I hope to learn things by them

Any word yet on what teams these new mentors are goign into?

So far as I know, new lists are being made… I’ll have to check if the list at the top of the Design area is updated (the one by Varelse).

I’ve been checking that regularly but no updates…Dan is still listed there as well…I talked to the team leader and he said he would update the list once the staff is done making the changes.

I’m in the middle of updating all team lists… hold your horses (and other similar cliches)

May you all be blessed with a new laser pointer (for presentations) and a pair of way-too-tight board-shorts (also for presentations).

The cat loves laser pointers, and the darn things seem to die young (the pointers, not the cats), so I am eagerly awaiting my new laser pointer.

I don’t know what board shorts are, but they don’t sound comfortable.

I’m also waiting for the wind turbine, but that’s hairybob’s fault. : )

The horses are getting hungry! :lol:

Will the new mentors also read us a bed time story? :lol: :lol:

congrats and welcome!!!

Congratulations all, and well deserved :slight_smile:



(and welcome)

Of course no one can remain :x at such great times. Its party :cool: time :rofl: folks

They seem to be updated now :). Just an update for everyone.