Post not able to capture value in Chrome and Firefox

Dear LinuxFreelancser,
Dont try on IE it works for me. Try on firefox or chrome. Then do let me know ya.

Dear Anthony,
Actually I tried to work on Jquery but my knowledge is very shallow in it. That is why I opt for this. IF you have any good relevant site for my problem do let me know ya.

Yeah in FF4 I only got a partial response:

Asset : bbbbbbmasterID :

Why not just do in pure php like this? - Free Value Estimates on Mobile Devices

Dear linuxfreelancer,
This is my biggest problem why firefox not able to capture the values?

Dear All,
Just to add further on what I did is that onChange of my master drop list I have this function.

function setMasterID(masterID)
alert("MAsterID : "+masterID);
document.form1.hiddenMasterID.value = masterID;

Then first I tried like this below where I add this y.innerHTML="<label class=description for=element_1>Master <font color=‘red’>*</font></label><input type=hidden value=‘’ name=hiddenMasterID> "; So when I submit no value is capture for hiddenMasterID.

function getSlaveTrailer(str)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
var x=document.getElementById(‘myTable’).insertRow(2);
var y=x.insertCell(0);
var z=x.insertCell(1);
var newdiv = document.createElement(“div”);
newdiv.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
y.innerHTML="<label class=description for=element_1>Master <font color=‘red’>
</font></label><input type=hidden value=‘’ name=hiddenMasterID> "; while (newdiv.hasChildNodes())
{ z.appendChild(newdiv.firstChild);

Then secondly I tried to move like below. So I added this <input type=hidden value=“” name=hiddenMasterID>. What I would like to know why in the earlier method when I built the hidden itself it does not work. But when I put in the table id=“tblSubmit” it works fine. What is blocking from the value being captured?

<table id=“tblSubmit”>
<input type=hidden value=<?php echo $editVal?> name=editVal>
<input type=hidden value=“” name=hiddenMasterID>
<input class=“buttons” type=“Submit” name=“<?php echo $submitTag?>” value=“<?php echo $submitTag?>” onClick=“return validateForm();”>
<input class=“buttons” type=“Reset” name=“Reset” value=“Reset” onclick=“location.href=‘addVehicle.php’”>
<table id=“tblSubmit”>
<input type=hidden value=<?php echo $editVal?> name=editVal>
<input type=hidden value=“” name=hiddenMasterID>
<input class=“buttons” type=“Submit” name=“<?php echo $submitTag?>” value=“<?php echo $submitTag?>” onClick=“return validateForm();”>
<input class=“buttons” type=“Reset” name=“Reset” value=“Reset” onclick=“location.href=‘addVehicle.php’”>

Sadly there are multiple things wrong (invalid markup, broken JS, application flow … ) with your implementation of this behaviour. My suggestion would be to start smaller and gradually add functionality until you succeed or find an issue.

Dear Anthony,
Can you point to me the very crucial error? I have been looking into the codes for days and could not figure out what and where is the problem?