Responsive Navigation Bar / Menu

No problem! Glad it works now. Your site looks good.

Hi Ryan, there’s one little problem. Not sure if with every phone or just mine.

I added the phone number on the menu but if I click it it slides the whole thing instead of calling the number.

Do you know how I can exclude the number so that when people click it prompts a call on the mobile?

Where can I see this happening? I went to your site but I’m not sure where the slider link is. Please advise.

IF you just resize the window to a mobile size (480 should be enough) you can see the number on the frozen-top bar. If you open it with a mobile it should click on the number and prompt a call, but it just slides the menu to the left

Could you just move it out of the .sb-toggle-left and put it as a direct child of #fixed-top?

Perfect! Thanks!

Case closed :smiley:

Hi Ryan and everyone.
Just wondering, is it possible to slide it down instead of on the side?

I’d prefer that as in some phones it won’t slide back in after I click the menu

Yes. Head over to the Javascript section. That handles the slider. Check their documentation. Maybe someone has made a vertical one.

I see, thank you Ryan