ROFLMAO (Revealing Of the Funny and Laughable Misunderstood Acronyms Online)

Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. :smile:


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I hate acronyms… Specially because you people use it so much. And 99% I don’t know what they mean so like the whole comment is lost in translation. You have no heart for those of us that learnt English as a second language ! :slight_smile:

I prefer PICNIC for that.

Is WTF a TLA for “Welcome To Facebook?”

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I’ve heard “Water The Flowers” and “World TaeKwonDo Foundation”.


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LOL - Lots of Love - long predates the internet. I can remember my grandparents using it on greetings cards.

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I hate acronyms… Specially because you people use it so much. And 99% I don’t know what they mean so like the whole comment is lost in translation. You have no heart for those of us that learnt English as a second language ! :slight_smile:


Acronyms have always been popular in the computer industry because it means that computer people can sound technical even when talking about every day things. For example an early IBM acronym was AMD (air movement device - or - fan). Of course that acronym would be confusing now as it has other alternative meanings just as LOL recently acquired a second completely different meaning that confuses many people when used inappropriately by people outside of their close circle of friends.

Pedantry, anyone? Just remember that an abbreviation is only classed as an acronym if it’s sounded as a word. So if you spell out the letters when saying the abbreviation, it’s an “initialism”. LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, a bit neater, I guess. :slight_smile:


Just stumbled across these…


Can I say YESPAA (you English speaking people are annoying)? I know I just made it up but maybe it will become popular :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m starting to hate 502 errors more though


That’s what I used to say to my dad when he gave me orders.


The USG (United States Government) love acronyms. They have an acronym for just about everything. My work day is filled with acronyms.


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And heaven forbid if you can’t keep up :smiley:

It often amused me because the acronyms often were more clumsy than the full terms.

Kind of like replacing a three-syllable descriptor with a nine-syllable acronym? (World Wide Web vs WWW.)



I must mention my favourite internet acronym… makes me laugh everytime: IANAL. It stands for ‘I Am Not A Lawyer.’


That one bums me out, because I always read it as I anal, and then have to figure it out again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ikr, it makes my inner child lol.

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