Text Editors

Name: Abiword
Platform: Windows / Linux
Cost: none

freeware word processor might by useful for someone ;]

Name: Professional Notepad
Cost:until December 31 2007, the price is only $18 (actual price should be $35.00)
OS: Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT4 / Win2000 / WinXP / Win2003
Programming Languages: Professional Notepad is an advanced tool that allows you to view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++ and other languages source code.
url: http://www.atechgroup.net/
Other: * Unlimited text and line size - Professional Notepad can work with really huge files and is still very fast.
* Syntax parsing and highlighting - syntax schemes for most common languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++) are included.
* DOS&Windows charset support - Professional Notepad will automatically select charset when file opening.
* Hyperlinks - all hyperlinks will be automatically highlighted and followed when you clicks URL.
* Drag&Drop support - both Copy and Move are supported.
* Unlimited multilevel undo/redo.
* Line numbers - you can display the line numbers in Professional Notepad.
* Printing - color printing is supported.
* Export to HTML and RTF with color syntax.
* Bookmarks - up to 10 bookmarks in one text are supported. Images will be displayed on the gutter to mark the lines with bookmark.
* Regular expressions in search and replace.
* Word wrap. If you are working on the text with long lines, word wrap feature becomes extremely useful. You will not need to scroll far any more - since all long lines will be wrapped to fit the size of editing area.
* Code Templates - speed up the development process and help maintain consistency throughout your websites.

Why I like it: I originally purchased this because it allows me to change the text size for my mature eyes. Also, as beginner, the syntax parsing and highlighting was a great tool for catching those little errors that can wreak havoc on everything. A neat little feature that I actually use a lot, surprisingly, is that when you have a color code typed in, if you forget what the color is, placing the cursor anywhere in the color code shows the color in a little box on the toolbar.

Cost: Free/Open Source
Platform: Linux, (Windows with cygwin and gtk?)
Languages: A crapload. I’m not going to list them all, but i’ve used it for C++, XML, HTML, CSS, JAVA, PHP, JavaScript

Name: Taco
Price: Free
Link: http://tacosw.com/

I love this editor! It color-codes HTML and PHP, and has a useful syntax checker too.:slight_smile:

how to configure the software PsPad with the software TopStyle?? help me

Cost: FREE
Platform: Windows
Languages: C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, CSS, makefile, doxygen, Javascript, ASP, VB/VBS, SQL, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, Python, Ruby, Lisp
URL: http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm

I’d recommend NetBeans 6.5 with PHP support.

It’s free and support a has intellisense.

Cost: 89 €, (44€ until Jan 10th. Free 45 day trial.).
Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
Languages: PHP , CSS, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, XML. Albeit as the name suggests this program is developed with PHP in mind, it also supports other languages, such as ASP, to different degrees with language plugins. The program also has support for JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery.

Looking to try an IDE I found PhpStorm had all the functionality I was after in such a program, and it is quite well made. It is written in Java, and at least the preview build of version 2 was somewhat slow for me (they have an ‘early access preview program’). I will definitely explore this editor more though, and when I purchase a new computer it has reserved the place as my first choice IDE.

I recommend PhpStorm for those looking for an IDE. For beginners and those looking for a straightforward and fast editor I recommend Notepad++, which needs no introduction.

P.S. PhpStorm is based on the same developer’s IDEA, with a particular focus on web development. If one has IDEA with the PHP plugin, one already has almost all the features of PhpStorm.

Notepad++ is the best choice for Windiws

  • Name: Notepad++
  • Cost/Free: Free
  • Platforms it runs on: Windows Environment
  • Programming languages it supports: source code editor and notepad alternative
  • URL: Notepad++ | 5.8.7

Worth mentioning another update re BBEdit. You can now buy it for just $49 through their site, or the app store if you run lion. The app store version does have a couple of limitations though, weirdly.

persoanlly I like Notepad++ and it’s free

Wow, there are a lot of text editors I’d never heard about. I’ve generally stuck to using NotePad/NotePad++ and the editors within the software I’m coding for. This is very useful :smiley:

I have used others listed here, and so far this is the best one I have seen.

Sublime Text 2
Cost: free for now.
Platform: Mac Os X, Linux, Windows
Features: Syntax highlight, auto complete, automation, multi select, etc etc.

Very fast, lightweight text editor. This is not full-blown IDE(no debugger for example) but as text editor it is absolutely great. Love it.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6
Windows, Mac OS
PHP, JavaScript, ASP (VB/C#), JSP, ActionScript
Markups- HTML, CSS, XML

Komodo Edit is by far the best text-editor I have used.

Cost: Free
Platform: All major platforms
Languages: Support for loads of languages. It’s my main editor of choice for Python and any front-end code.
Features: Very similar to Notepad++, but looks much nicer, is cross-platform, has some great extensions and has fantastic code-completion tools.

Name: SubEthaEdit
Cost: $29. A 30-days trial version is available.
Platforms: Mac;
Programming languages it supports: (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
website: http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/

Zeus Text Editor
Cost: $69.95 (€ 50.55)/45 day trial is available before you buy
Platform: Windows
Languages Supported: All