The search for a good editor

Hi there,

I use Scite for PHP / HTML / CSS / C / C++, etc. Its not an IDE, just a simple text editor with syntax highlighting. I think you can turn auto-complete on, but I don’t use it…
Its OSS, so fits your budget well!



I have SciTe as well. Though I won’t comment on it, as I already commented on Notepad++, which also uses scintilla. For the most part, all editors based on scintilla will have the same options, even if they are accessed slightly differently within the host program. Please refer the page below for other editors based on scintilla. If listed there, I probably won’t look at it, unless there’s something truly unique about it. But I like your taste in simplicity. =)

For PHP coding I’ve been using Aptana Studio and like it. It’s free too.