Use AJAX and PHP to Build your Mailing List

Thanks! I’ve been looking for this for hours!

The file /inc/storeAddress.php doesn’t have the correct opening PHP tag.

Change <? to <?php

This caused my script to fail. Maybe other servers are more forgiving but I suspect others will be scratching their heads over this.

What about actually using this list? Anyone have any solid recommendations on distributing emails to your users?

This is great and I was using it on every page of my site… but when I replaced the submit button with an image, it all worked perfectly except for the fact that when anything is submitted the index page of my site is automatically loaded. Does anybody know a way around this? Thanks.

Got it sorted now, the answer was staring me in the face…

for beginner like me it’s need about 2h
to understand
but thank’s anyway

maybe it’s broken link
there’s no difference content BUILD YOUR MAILING LIST with this :
AJAX & PHP to Build Mailinglist

thats fine, thanks

Very interested in this one!

Curious to know if this will also be able to send an automated email to the subscriber.


pretty cool, but…
where’s the form that i send my email messages to all my subscribers?

Ill start by saying I am VERY new to php and and not am not at a level yet to produce my own code, so I will need a little help (thank you in advance!). I want to use the script exactly how it is except I want the ajax to replace the text in the input field, not in a div. For example, when someone clicks join list, I want the “adding email address…” to replace the email address in the field, then when completed, the “You have been successfully added” to replace the “adding email address”. Do that make sense? You can see it on fantasy interactive’s website on the left they have a sign up field. I want it exactly like that.

Thank you!!

This was very easy to set up and you can see it working when you sign up. Very cool!
Now what do I do with it though? How do I access my fancy new list of emails???
Did I miss something?


Hey Aarron,

Just had to make an account to express my gratitude. Your write-up is extremely easily to follow, and you helped me visualize the entire scripts functionality; your timely, and insightful descriptions of all the inner-workings helped me really get a grip on Prototype, Php, and how they communicate with mySQL.

Thanks man!

John B.