Very strange 502 error still

Not sure this has anything to do with this issue, but there is also a serious issue with timing and post order. This image should explain.

Needless to say, I was thinking “What the heck is going on here?” when I read those posts.


Can you post a link to that topic?

Tom double posted in there too.

That’s not an error of any kind. If you check the “edit history” (the pencil icon next to the timestamp on Tom’s post), you’ll see he edited his original post to include a quote from Michael’s subsequent reply.

Definitely odd behaviour, but not on the part of the forum software.


Um, so the 4h time showing is based on an edit and he edited his whole post to be an answer to Michael’s post below it? That is strange.


No, the 4 hour is when he originally made his post. (Or was; obviously it’s changed now. ) You can see the actual times of both the post and the edit by hovering over the timestamp and the edit icon.

And, as I say, if you click on the edit icon, you can see what changes were made to the post.


I just got a 502 error now as well. I cancelled and refreshed and it had posted anyway.

Yes, it is a pain… But in my particular case, it happens when I post from the office. Same with quoting… At the office I have so much problems to quote someone… but at home, I can do it.

So I suspect that office proxies and firewalls have lots to do with my issues Well, I do not suspect it… I’m sure :smiley:

I’m at home, with no proxies and no high-security firewall, and I’m being plagued with the issues, so I don’t think it can be that.

Quoting should be working in ordinary topics, just not in PMs. (It’s a known bug which will be fixed shortly with another upgrade.)

You may not but your ISP will have in the middle for sure… not that you have much control over that but…

Still, I’m assuming that when @cpradio says the 502s are a SitePoint issue, he knows what he’s talking about.

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I know he is.

My case doesn’t have to be your case. I know that the configuration at the office affects me. It behaves completely differently here that when I’m at home.

At home, I rarely get 502 errors and I don’t need get the message errors when I post, than I need to cancel so the post will not duplicate.

At the office, every single time. It is a pain

Yeah… I can hopefully shed some light on what happened. These are basically the steps:

  1. I replied to the topic and got a 502 error. My post was still “active” in the editor
  2. Michael replied to me
  3. I clicked “Reply”… my old post was still visible in the editor so I removed it and made a new post

This seemed to cause an edit rather than a new post. I’m not quite sure what’s going on!

Ah, interesting. :smile:

Yet another reason to get these 502 issues resolved. (as if we needed a reason)

This is getting ridiculous. I made a post, got the 502 error, and then had a moment of bad co-ordination and hit “reply” instead of cancel, creating a second post - and that, too, threw a 502 error.


Particularly bad for me at the moment - but I am getting used to it now :wink:

If fixing the problem is not doable in the short term, how about at least making it possible for keyboarders to dismiss the error message? As far as I’ve been able to discover - with plenty of practice - it only responds to mouse click.


And why did you post twice!!

As you are using Linux perhaps you could write something that replicates a mouse click :grin: