We Need Quiz Questions for Our New Site - QuizPoint

Hi there @James08 ;

Here are some Rails questions to get things rolling.
The correct answer is always the first one.

Which architecture pattern does Rails implement?
Model View Presenter
Operational Data Store
Event-driven architecture

Which component of Rails responds to external requests from the web server?

How would you declare a 1:n assosciation in Rails?
Using “has_many” and “belongs_to”
Using “has_one” and “has_n”
Using “has_many” and “:dependent”
Using “has_and_belongs_to_many”

What purpose does the asset pipeline serve?
To concatenate and minify JavaScript and CSS files
To cache and compress images
To speed up database queries
To reduce server latency

Which command should you run to make rails aware of a change in your database schema?
rake db:migrate
rake db:update
rake db:teardown
rake db:reload

What will the following output?

p "SITEPOINT ROCKS!".downcase.gsub(/\\b\\w/) { |match| match.upcase }

“Sitepoint Rocks!”
“sitepoint rocks!”
“SITEPOINT rocks!”
“SiTePoInT RoCkS!”

What will the following output?

@user = User.find(1)
<%= link_to "User Details", user_path(@user) %>

<a href=“/users/1”>User Details</a>
<a href=“/users?id=1”>User Details</a>
<a href=“http://www.yoursite.com/users/1”>User Details</a>
Nothing, you cannot pass user_path an object

How would you generate the following:

<input accept="text/html" type="file" id="post_attached" name="post[attached]" />	

file_field(:post, :attached, :accept => ‘text/html’)
file_field(:id => ‘post’, :name => ‘attached’, :accept => ‘text/html’)
input_field(:post, :attached, :accept => ‘text/html’)
input_field(:type=> ‘file’, :id => ‘post’, :name => ‘attached’, :accept => ‘text/html’)

Which ORM does Rails use to connect classes to relational database tables
Active Record
Active Mapper
Active Object
Active Data

What would the following output?

number_with_delimiter(1240.99, ".",  ",")


Questions are great! Thanks Pullo! :slight_smile:

How many widget areas can you have on a WordPress powered blog?

1, 2, 5, As much as you want

Did you mean
<!-- This is a comment.

zcorpan I figured he meant what Microsoft considered a comment.

Egad, you are right, I made a typo. :blush: Thanks for spotting it. Hope it hasn’t made it into the system yet. Sorry @James08 ! Ammended question here: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?932484-We-Need-Quiz-Questions-for-Our-New-Site-QuizPoint&p=5257191&viewfull=1#post5257191

Also note that <!-- (and –> which also acts as a line comment if it appears at the start of a line) isn’t yet specified in ECMAScript. It’s specified here, though: http://javascript.spec.whatwg.org/#comment-syntax

Hey all, I am brand new to web design and these are questions I am either still fumbling with, or have very recently found the answer to.

Q) - what part of a completed site does HTML contribute to ?
Q) - what part of this page (some dynamic page) does JS control ?
Q) - Something related to -> When to use CSS and when to use JS if they can both produce the same results.

I think squigworm’s questions are excellent in their own right, but I dunno how good they’d be in a quiz, since quizzes seem to do best with questions where the answer is obvious and look-up-able. Questions like when to use CSS vs JS for effects can have rules of thumb, but they’re often best answered with explorations into reasons, effects on users and things like speed, CPU usage, etc.

Or, if the quiz will have essay-style questions, these would be good for those.

I agree with Stomme poes in terms of how I worded the examples, the actual questions would look more like: "what part of a website does HTML typically control? A) Stylizes the page B) Creates the skeleton structure C) Handles placement of the images (something to that effect) I know this sounds so very remedial to anyone who has been doing this for a while but it is what us beginners are trying to wrap our heads around.

Questions like when to use CSS vs JS for effects can have rules of thumb, but they’re often best answered with explorations into reasons, effects on users and things like speed, CPU usage, etc.
<- this is exactlyyyy the type of info I am looking for! A question could simply be "what will you need to consider when choosing between CSS and and JS? A) CPU usage B) I’d put something here but I only knew the first one cause you said it :smiley: C) etc D) etc.

PHP History Question

What was the original definition of the acronym, “PHP” ?

a) PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
b) Perl Hypertext Preprocessor
c) Personal Home Page
d) PHP: Hypertext Parser

Answer C.

I can throw a bunch of good css questions your way. Do they have to be only JS and php?

and ruby

Is that a yes to css questions?

Yes please :slight_smile:

Cool thank you.

What kind of question are preferable about designing or development point of view .

Why dont need that? Thanks, please give me some review about my site <snip>

Here’s another simple JS one:

[B]The following code

"two" > "three"

will evaluate to:[/B]




an error

Answer: true. (Reason: alphabetically, “two” is greater than (i.e. later in the dictionary than) “three”.)

[Perhaps a JS person can suggest better options here.]

How to prevent iPhone from increasing text size?

@media (max-device-width:320px) {
#nav {