Website stylesheets and Internet Explorer

As Andy eludes to, you may not have updated the onlien version since we are still seeing a lot of errors. Did you forget to upload?

it was the doctype.

1 and 1 now.

Can you check what’s wrong with firefox please?

Hello Leelium, great work on clearing up all those errors, you are definitely earning your coffee there!
I checked it in ff and am sure more helpfull interpretation will be coming soon. but from what i can see it is reading the right column as being to large. It reads it at a width of 922px.

more often than not when all your tags are closed but your div wind up stacking up it is usually related to width size.
What i think would be more helpful would be to give percentages to your sidebar & right column rather than fixed pixels widths.
Also i see your issue w/the hover in ie has not cleared. I was looking it up (my good fortune i have ie8 at work! :slight_smile: )
did some searching and have the tag should have solved it. Wonder if in this case a js solution might not be better?
Also i see your menu at the top is a bit cropped off in ie. so maybe a litte bit more margin or padding would help.
Best wishes

you know the only thing i would add, i think it would be helpfull, to you as well if all your css was in the actual css style sheet and not divided between it and the html page.
it seems that perphaps ff is reading a diff css?


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Hi, my css is all in the ftp, there’s no inline or almost none anyway.

My left and right col are % based width (well, the left col is 220px but that’s not a problem I think?) but it’s not picking up #rightCol in sn.css in firefox, while it does in chrome/ie

Regarding IE8 and the hovering, I’m not sure what to do there, you mentioned a script. Can you please explain that a bit?


FTP is a protocol. It is not possible for CSS to be in FTP.
See here:

I looked at the source of your page and searched for the string:


I got 80 matches, which means that you are declaring inline styles at 80 different places in your HTML document. As mentioned previously this makes debugging something a nightmare, as you have no idea what is happening where.

It’s a mess to understand where they are coming from as everything is split in blocks (like 20 per page sometimes more).

How did you search the inline styles?

View source (Ctrl + U) > Bring up search dialogue (Ctrl + f) > Enter style="

Brilliant, should I correct those? You think that’s the issue with Firefox?

I can only repeat what I previously said:

I got 80 matches, which means that you are declaring inline styles at 80 different places in your HTML document. As mentioned previously this makes debugging something a nightmare, as you have no idea what is happening where.

The CSS is now fine on all browsers, thank you guys for your help

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