What are your hobbies?

Cycling, reading books, movies, music, PC game…

this is funny, as this is exactly how it is for me too

people have a hard time understanding that these 24hours are so easily filled with all kind of interesting things to do.

  1. Music: CLASSICAL, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Vangelis, Genesis …
  2. Computers (Java, C++, PHP/MySQL, JavaScript … FrontPage …)
  3. Maths (Combinatorics, Graphs …)


  1. Literature (KAFKA, Camus, Hemingway …)
  2. Movies (Fellini, Welles, Chaplin …)
  3. Football (Soccer)


i m basically die heart fan of music so in normal working days i play many musical instrument like
1 harmonium
2. Tabla
3. Bango and many more
it are my hobby for the working days but in the weekend i love to play outdoor games like football and cricket and traveling with my friends to near by hill station and swimming .

listening music, gardening and driving is my hobbies

Uhm…I don’t think I can respond to that well. I guess people do like my artwork and illustrations. At least I’ve never heard any complaints and I’m being paid well for them.

reading and listening music.

Very true, that’s what happened to me and software development, I loved doing it as a hobby and I burned out doing it professionally (even though I was doing OK in it). I’m a better web designer and I love the subject a lot more anyway so things are much better than a few years ago :stuck_out_tongue:

I love sea fishing,beekeeping currently have 12 hives and digital photography is my latest hobby.

I like to visit wild places and do as much photos as possible. :rolleyes:

playing cricket , reading, writing a jokes

Making hobby of your job is a great thing and it shows th professional behavior I think. What you people thing about it?

singing, playing musical instrument

Only if you can keep true to what it is about your hobby that you love. With turning your hobby into your “bread and butter” can slowly kill your love for it if you’re not careful. With a hobby you work on what you want to work on, not crap for other people. So just keep that in mind. I’ve come to the brink of throwing in web development because of a company that I worked for.

I do things that I enjoy doing but not sure if I would call them hobbies as such, rather just things I do with my time like play games, listen to music and watch stuff (movies, tv shows, documentries). Of course there is more to what I do but at the moment it seems like work, sleep, work (:

Right now my only hobby is building websites. Also sleeping, I suppose. What else is that if not a hobby, there must be a reason to do that utter waste of time!

My job is my hobby (though I do enjoy a good movie whenever I can squeeze one in) :smiley:

TV series, surfing the web, programming (pret projects), reading

I recently read that you can hack your brain so you need no more than 2 hours of sleep each day.
Sounds too tricky for me (read the section “The Catch”), but the article is interesting nonetheless :slight_smile:

I love to participate in different niche forums, playing cricket and chess.

[FONT=“Georgia”]Dude, same here.

I always complain about having days which were twice as long. Most of my friends look at me funny whenever I say that.

Or at least if I didn’t have to sleep!