What does the Internet mean to you?

Yeah, The Internet means all

earning some good daily income and solve my financial problem.

For me cyberspace is my second motherland… I’m here to conquer.

You’ll be conquered !

Absolutely! I can’t agree more! The fact that we don’t have to go all the way to the local library anymore to get information on something that may or may not be there (and most likely a few years out of date too) is amazing. We can find out what we want in under 10 minutes now with a quick Google search (with the right search terms, and if you’re a quick reader too haha).

The Internet has really made our lives more efficient. Wouldn’t you agree? And I think we can all agree that, for the most part, the Internet is an amazing invention that has improved the majority of peoples lives around the World. It has certainly worked wonders on my life!

Andrew Cooper

The internet is the POSITIVE RESULT of “collaboration” around the globe. =)
The internet is the CHILD of all of us in every town, city, state, country - proof that collaboration ROCKS!
Let the internet be the inspiration to all the leaders of the world of how things IRL CAN BE - instead of wars there can be understanding and collaboration.
It may be a Utopian view on things, but why not?
There are so few things to dream about anymore, why NOT Utopia on earth?
The internet shows us how.
Long live people and the internet happily co-existing together!

I think calling the Internet a Utopia is going a bit far… there’s a lot of bad stuff on the web and a serious criminal element too. :slight_smile:

Nah, a Utopia isn’t perfect.

The way I am interpreting “Utopia” is a place where people work together toward a common goal.

There will always be a “bad” element wherever we are, no matter what we do.

Seems like a contradiction of terms in my eyes, the generally accepted definition of a Utopia is a perfect or ideal state.

I would think having a non-perfect Utopia would be scary, as it would mean striving for average rather than the best :smiley:

The way I am interpreting “Utopia” is a place where people work together toward a common goal.

No contradiction here… the scammers all work together to relieve you of your money : )

In any case, the U of Utopia is “eu” which means “good”. So, can’t be bad : )

The Internet means information to me, free access to a lot of it

access to the combined intelligence (or lack thereof) of humanity.

Internet is now something vital…for all of us .

This is an interesting topic. Internet for me is a really big database, and like a pond of information, every kind of information. but sometimes, it is just a web for sparing time.

Without internet, all this world how we know now doesn’t exist…

The internet to me means just one thing ‘money’ cyberspace has to be one of the easiest ways to earn money instead of the high cost of say a bricks and morter business.It was the best move for me anyway.