What is your daily adsense earnings?

Thanks James for updating the thread, it was great to read back the posts from earlier this year and then to know what’s up now. Are you still relying on G traffic, or have you figured out another way?
Did you try other solutions (like AdBrite or Chitika) on your sites? How is your site that was G-slapped doing now (about a year after it has been penalized)?
Thanks again and good luck in the future, awesome results!

$7 every day is not bad, to me it’s very good.

I’m considering to use google adsense, but i’m not sure is it useful or not.

I used to make double digits/day on one site and some single digits on another, but after I left high school a few years ago, time kind of fell short. Now it’s just good enough to self sustain some cololocation.

Of course it is, because you can earn money from Google AdSense. You’ll be an AdSense publisher by putting relevant ads to your website. Don’t you need money?

Daily averages:
May 09: $96.5
June 09: $128.8
July 09: $125.8
August 09: $144.3
September 09: $153.9
October 09 (so far, 4 days only): $184.1

Yes, G traffic is still the main source of traffic, but it is spread amongst several sites now, my main earner is now not very far from my second best earner which is not very far from my third, etc.
I’ve tried AdBrite in the past but never have been impressed by the results at all. Results are better with Chitika or even Kontera, and that’s something to say that because Kontera and Chitika don’t have a good eCPM!
My site which has been G-slapped one year ago never recovered, and I must say that I’ve never put anymore work into it since then, because I started several new sites since and I’ve been devoting my time to them.

Thank James for your answers. I’ll hope to report back in a year with the same figures you have. Good luck!

Sundays are always slowest for me too for some reason. I guess the majority of the world is at church. Bahahaha :lol:

I dont receive clicks from adsense lately. Im planning to change something in it, so I stopped advertising my blog. Plus its personal so I dont think someone will click on it. I prefer using bidvertiser now.

Daily averages:
May 09: $96.5
June 09: $128.8
July 09: $125.8
August 09: $144.3
September 09: $153.9
October 09: $194.8

I hope so too :slight_smile: I mean I hope you succeed and I also hope my figures will not drop suddenly like last year, or worse…
Please write down your current daily averages so we can follow your progress.

Mine is only $3 per day.

You guys are making nice money… one of my semi-dead site makes around 1$ a day and I am quite happy about it :slight_smile:

I don’t know about you but for me this month of november is already an all-time record with a daily average of $289 so far (23rd) with the best day being 8th november (also an all-time record) with $445…
This is a real surprise, I didn’t expect such a sudden increase. I wonder how december can be better, it’s impossible! :slight_smile:

How is your month of november so far ?

For me just the same, First I got to work hard to increase traffic to my blog.

Not enough… Less than a dollar a day at best

Getting there though :smiley:

Well, november 2009 for me was a very good month, a $100 increase in daily average is something! I guess it will be my top record for a long time, I don’t think it can go any higher knowing my web properties, but who knows really. :slight_smile:

Daily averages:
May 09: $96.5
June 09: $128.8
July 09: $125.8
August 09: $144.3
September 09: $153.9
October 09: $194.8
November 09: $294.4

Sorry I messed up, and can’t edit my post, here are the correct results for november:
Daily averages:
May 09: $96.5
June 09: $128.8
July 09: $125.8
August 09: $144.3
September 09: $153.9
October 09: $194.8
November 09: $304.2

Dang I would love those numbers James. I am not even close with them. I am guessing I need much more content…

Give yours too, don’t worry it’s not a contest, it’s just for self motivation and to show it’s possible to increase.
Also for those who think this is against adsense’s tos to give their gross earnings, it’s not true, it’s ok I can give you the text which says so, but we know it’s ok to give earnings, but not ok to give CTR, eCPM and such details.

That’s a good earning James. Nov 2009 $1,27 … very little. My blog traffics decreasing since Oct 2009 … I got to work very hard from now on to earn a lot more :rolleyes: