What subject would you like to see a SitePoint book about?

HTML5 for the web and mobile?

Right now I really want to read a book about Drupal 7 Module Development. I’ve got a good one on Drupal 6, but D7 is pretty different.

Programming Games using HTML5 would be awesome.

A general HTML5 web development book.

How to integrate social networking sites into yours. More than one, so it wouldn’t just be Facebook or Buzz.

Hmmm great ideas! :smiley: I’ll chip in a small list of ideas too :slight_smile:

  • WordPress 3.0 (You could start it now)
  • Web Accessibility (I’d want the British Standard to be included in the book too, so something to write about later on in the year or next year possibly)
  • Web Design with Adobe Photoshop CSx (similar to Corrie Hafflys book but much more comprehensive, relevant, and update, I seriously want a book like this, could call it Simply Web Design with Adobe Photoshop CS5 or something)
  • Simply GIMP (same concept as the PS one but with GIMP)
  • Django (not particularly interested in it but you can consider it as an idea)
  • Content Writing / Copywriting / Quality Content for Websites

That’s all I have for now. HTML 5 / CSS 3 isn’t included in the list because it isn’t a specification / Web Standard yet so that’s a thumbs down for me.

Andrew Cooper

Yep, my first thought when I saw the thread title was some kind of step by step guide to doing something. In my case it would be setting up a complex affiliate marketing scheme or a membership site.

GIMP could use a few good books. Though I’d want to see one based on 2.7/2.8 Since they have the windowed mode. Though since they aren’t stable releases, a book probably won’t happen for a while. Still, put it on your list of future book ideas. :smiley:

As for the HTML5 stuff, would it work to have someone write a detailed article instead of a book? Or a series of articles?

You know Flash action script? Do you have your own website, I’d like to know more about what you do?

SitePoint published a book on AJAX a few years ago, they only have it in ebook (pdf) form but if you check round a few online shops and auctions you may well find a print copy of the book.

As a beginner I think this is a great idea.

I only started learning HTML and CSS last year and one topic I was dying to read more about was best practice workflows. Where do I start, with a blank page or a template I have filed away? Can I start mocking up in the browser or should I do a comp in photoshop? What practices should I start implementing Now that will help me Later if I want to attract clients? etc

I am sure this seems like really simple stuff for the more experienced, but for us noobs all these basic questions seem to be overlooked or quickly glossed over.

^hell, accessible AJAX and media alone could be its own ginormous book.

Single Page, Javascript RIA development with PHP/MySQL. And not just the easy stuff, anyone can make it reload the whole page with AJAX, I want to see how you tackle loading/caching repeated templates and data loading.


Been ages since I’ve seen anything related to Lorenzo Lamas! :lol:

Back on topic, I think that I would like to see an extension of Kevin’s PHP book… something covering OOP PHP and maybe a bit about Zend.


I like the topic related to the IT or computer Software.

Morris Robin

I agree, a tutorial or a combination of them could provide quite a bit of guidance regarding that request, i guess up to a certain point.

The permissions, user groups, group privileges etc could be done as an extension/follow on to Kevin’s book. If I remember correctly in Kevin’s book there are just two types of user, but for a bigger site each user group might well be a different department in a company.

lightworks, I’m unfamiliar with the guy, but if this forum had a voting system I would create several accounts just to give you upvotes, lawlz.

Not only that, I could almost guarantee SitePoint would sell more books sitting in a bookstore with that on the cover.

Books dont work like that, lol

But, sometimes tutorials are like that. They are shorter in publishing cycles and often can be really specific.

travel stuff is certainly popular… I wouldn’t be surprised to see something sorta like what Guitar mentioned in a tutorial somewhere.

Well, a database-driven back-end with multiple clients with multiple access points of their own and individual permissions on their own data and then clients on top of that… actually sounds worthy of a book. Travel/hotels is rather specific, but the whole permissions/backend thing… yes, after re-reading Guitar’s post, it could well be a book… but likely an advanced book for someone already comfortable with basis of PHP/MySQL and servers/sysdaminning.

Ideally, it wouldn’t matter what the objects are: the same base skills would be the same whether it was hotels or llama breeders/buyers.

Hmm, llamas

Its not a realistic request, i thought that my own request was specific, demanding and showing a hint of feeling sorry for myself, but what you are requesting is not going to appear in a book.

Books dont work like that, lol

What you have asked for needs to be read by someone who can code that for you, its a project basically, you need someone to build that for you.

Or do as i intend, slow down, learn both PHP and MySQL and accept that it will be a while before you’re able to build it yourself.

I did actually love a book on visual design and user experience. presenting data in, meaningful ways, engaging users, keeping things clean and simple, Iterative design, mocks, prototypes, longitudinal study, The discoverability / efficiency trade-off…

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but not exactly. I just want a book that gives a clear idea on these topic i have mentioned.

I would certainly think about picking up such an advanced book if it covered the general concepts that could be applied to another project. But, yeah, I have no need for a hotel or llama site specifically. Now, llama hotels, that’s a different story. That market is wide open.

Or, how about just a Lorenzo Lamas biography?