Where do you want to travel to?

Hmm maybe the Seychelles…

Somewhere that nobody else has ever gone to, for a change :slight_smile:

Nice, Im proud to say Im from the Maldives :cool: But yeah… enough of the saltwater crap, Its time to take my life to the next level :stuck_out_tongue: My greatest dream is to go to New York one day… Thats the biggest reason Im working as a fulltime freelance designer… I wanna earn enough to go live and settle over at New York (too big dreams and hopes for a 16 year old? haha :P)

Lots of place, I really can’t name them all. I’ve been luck enough to see a few countries on different continents but I’m happy enough visiting any new place. :slight_smile:




My mum said Greece was her favorite place out of anywhere she went. I wonder if there are good waves there.
I’d probably like to go to Indonesia or India. I’d go to Indo because of the surf but India just to check out.

I’d like to visit Australia and New Zealand.

i want to visit European countries…

Norway, Amsterdam, Cyprus, Michigan (US)… lists goes on and on :smiley:

^ lol

going to get pretty busy there very soon!

Hawk’s house

I have always dreamed of Greece, Italy, and Spain.

I like to visit Switzerland and Canada. I like cold place.


Quezon province…

I’ve been cleaning the place up in preparation.

I don’t think you should be doing any cleaning in your current state but I appreciate the thought.

And your house will never be clean again soon enough.


Would “back in time” count as an answer? Not much, maybe like 10 or 15 years. If not, then Istanbul.
