Why do u smoke?

I dont I quit over 3 years ago, one of the best things I ever did

Because I like it, I don’t want and can’t quit smoking.

Who says I’m smoking?!

Try the meditation ! :wink:

I experienced in stress SMOKING works !!

I just only smoke if i somebody reminds me if not then i don’t smoke.

Well, since the high taxes on cancer sticks go to educate children…
You just gotta take up smokin for the well being of future generations, man!

No need to be selfish about not wanting to get cancer…suck it up man…
Do it for the children.

I think it’s kinda funny to ask a complete stranger who is standin outside
smokin…“doing it for the children?”…huh? :lol:

Some smoke due to bad valves

I don’t smoke.

I smoke the others smoke…

I started smoking cigarettes, the first time, because I was in a self destructive frame of mind. When the frame of mind left, I quit. Then in my early 50s I started smoking to relieve the stress of going back to college, online. My DAUGHTER got me started again. I still smoke to relieve stress, but not more than 6 cigarettes in a 24 hour period and I can go days without smoking at all.

I don’t smoke, it’s for my kids :cool:

why do people do smoke? even they know that it is bad for their health?:blush:

to relax

I stopped in January. I found a safe alternative that gave me my nicotine hit + sensation of smoking but without combusting tobacco, inhaling tar and 4000+ carcinogens. I got my lungs back, I can breath, I don’t smell anymore and all because of the beautiful thing that is vaping an electronic cigarette. I still get my smoking buzz but it’s several times safer. Fantastic invention.

Who the heck came up with the idea of burning leaves in your mouth? Why would someone put fire in their mouth? Especially when it smells repulsive, which is supposed to tip you off as an animal that smoke is not good to breathe. Some genetically damaged pre-civilization human got the bright idea to do it anyway, managed to do so without burning himself, got addicted and managed to convince others to try it?

Believe it or not they do have a flavour. You hate the smell which is fine but others don’t which is also fine imo as long as they don’t force their smoke on others. Flavour aside it becomes an addiction and it probably matters less to the habitual smoker over time as their sense of smell and taste goes away. Smoking has been around for a long time.

Most people probably think Nicotine is the big villian but in fact it’s simply an addictive stimulant and not much more harmless than caffeine. The big problems with the ciggies are the tar and carcinogens. I saw a great documentary on smoking and one of the big manufactures basically admitted they haven’t a clue what is eventually inhaled when smoking a cigarette.

Funny now I’ve stopped I find it all quite interesting :slight_smile:

Just sayin’, I think there was something wrong with that first human that decided it’d be a good idea to try burning some leaves in his mouth. He didn’t have a bunch of other people doing it to imitate.

Well from reading the wiki on it it began from burning the leaves as incense. From there people started to use it ritually. Think the piece pipe etc. I often wonder who was the guy who looked at sheep and said “hey lets kill them while they are young. Bound to be much tastier”. Probably interesting stories behind many things in life.

smoking -> bad idea ! really !

because i can’t stop!