Win8 - Start is the word

I am using windows 7 only. Its interesting to read your post. I will try…

It’s been a few days since my last update on my take on Win8, and I have to say I’m pretty sold to the idea of switching from Win7.

To recap.

A few key simple concepts about the Modern UI is all it takes to get rid of any confusion or frustration. And Modern UI looks pretty damn good too!

Everything reverts to the Start screen. I’m mostly working in the Desktop, but I don’t miss anything about the old interface in Win7 and below.

Speaking of which, in Win8 anything is an app, even the Desktop. Once I minimize all the windows in it, I can close the Desktop the same way, by dragging it to the bottom of the screen by its “title bar”.

Quick access to features means mouse to the screen sides. Or a few key presses: WinKey, WinKey+., WinKey+X, WinKey+I.

Win7 had a few issues, before SP1, sharing the control with the drivers of the video cards. Win8, on the other hand, handles pretty well my dual video cards laptop.

The few apps I’ve tested so far, seem to run faster. I’ve made no benchmark, but the startup times are improved in Win8, to say the least. Aside the fact that I have a few environments that take a little tinkering after install, which means I occasionally revert to Win7, my boot up choice is always Win8.

All in all, it looks like Win8 just needs a little time to grow on the user. After that, the classic Win7 just seems dated. I’m sure there’s going to be issues, like the gadgets missing, but hopefully the Store will provide good apps, or, possibly, better apps to replace them.

Waiting September now. :slight_smile:

Since when was Windows NOT about START? LOL Oh wait, windows 3.1… gosh… how i forget. Windows 8 should be a long-awaited CHANGE we are promised.<snippety do-da>

One other thing to note is the file operations dialog has been simplified. There are less file operations options, like for replacing files on destination for example, and a nice graph (More details button) for file transfer progress, for those that would like to know the exact parameters of the file operations.

I am now downloading Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation:

It has many warnings sticking to its sides, but it will give me more than enough time to test it beyond any doubt: 90 days.

From what I’ve seen I don’t like the look of it, everyone’s pc will end up looking identical exactly like with ios on iPhone/iPad. From what I’ve heard it doesn’t support new games like windows 7 does, personally I am going to wait a few more months so it has been tested more by users.