

I’m not understanding what you’re asking. What are internal/external polls?

Polar Point of Sale

I got that site with the blog with that template running and if you see there says:

“latest news” i just want to post the latest blog posts there just giving the title, making each post the link and posting the date that it was posted.

This will work. :slight_smile:

<ul class="ln-list">
 $postslist = get_posts('numberposts=4&order=ASC&orderby=date');
 foreach ($postslist as $post) : 
   <div class="ln-calendar"></div>
   <div class="ln-txt">
    <p><?php the_title(); ?></p> 
    <span class="ln-date"><?php the_date(); ?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>

I made it based on this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/get_posts#Latest_posts_ordered_by_title

…and you might be able too get rid rid of this: <div class=“ln-calendar”></div> by adding the image to the background of the <li>s in your .css and padding the text over by the width of the image + a little more. :slight_smile:

i see this code:

<?php the_title(); ?>

but what about the anchor text?

is that automatically done with the <?php the_title(); ?>


I read on the codex that single.php is the single blog post and if its not present index.php is used but I have single.php


but I get this result:


Yes <?php the_title(); ?> will display the posts title in the the anchors title attribute.

Looks like you are missing a closing </div> tag somewhere in there.

in the screwed up post page or something else?

ok so i guess i got everything done but does wordpress allowing creating different pages that would have the blogs and then the archive? for example right now i just got one page and one link and that is the about page but how can i create the pages for all the blog postings and archives?

also is there a way to divide out the different pages? i want to create a mission statement link but not in the header but on a specific page.

All of these pages will be generated dynamically.

Single post: http://www.polar-pos.com/blog/?p=5
Category page: http://www.polar-pos.com/blog/?cat=1
Date page: http://www.polar-pos.com/blog/?m=201003

You can use the wp_list_pages function to generate a list of pages. This list can include the pages you want or can exclude the pages you do not want. Or you can always hard code the links with plain ole’ HTML. :slight_smile:

am i missing another div tag? i tried validation but that didn’t work for me :frowning:

here is the code:


please help

the single.php file is really messed up:


Categories is also basically like this too :frowning:


Silver copying lines 32 through 58 from pastebin - it looks like you have 4 extra </div> on line 58. That may be something. Next the css file is nearly impossible for me to read. But it looks like you are calling get_sidebar too soon.
I updated your pastebin: http://silver163.pastebin.com/BUFxjQUS Tell me how that works

Looks to me that you have not closed the main content div. Place a </div> right before the sidebar starts after: <?php endif; ?>.

awesome that worked, i tried that with the categories aka archive.php but the thing went nutter butters on me :frowning:


that’s the code for archive.php i tried to get dreamweaver to scan the code and check for incorrect closures or missing closures but couldn’t get it to work.

and firebug confuses the hell out of me.

LOL Did you check the pastebin code I posted? :wink:

No I didn’t, sorry. :blush: I just looked at his page and messed with it in Firebug. :stuck_out_tongue:

How did you try to have dreamweaver do it? I use Dreamweaver 8, and there is nothing ‘smart’ enough to scan what the code. It does simple checks. The way I figured you extra divs, cause at the bottom of the code view panel you should see <html><body> … this traces down to where you are. If it doesn’t show, hit F5. In both the header and content sections. I figured out where the starting div started and ended, then went to the most inner div and worked out. This showed me you had 4 extra </div>s. Then I looked at the linked page, and using the web developer toolbar in firefox, i used it’s outline feature to check where the content divs lay. I saw you were calling the sidebar within the main content div, and had to be moved up one level. I don’t have your code up so I can’t say the exact names, so hope you follow my steps.

lol I only touch pages that aren’t broken with firebug ;), no offense silver

great well i can’t read the code in such a way were i can spot were the divs aren’t properly closed.

dreamweaver doesn’t scan it and i don’t know any other tools that will check for that.