2 constuctors with same number of parameters

Hi All
I am trying to create a custom class to hold data from a database with the following code

[SIZE=1]Public Class NewsObject

Public Property articleID() As Integer
Public Property articleTitle() As String
Public Property articleBody() As String

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal articleid As Integer, ByVal atricletitle As String)
    Me.articleID = articleid
    Me.articleTitle = atricletitle
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal atricletitle As String, ByVal articlebody As String)
    Me.articleTitle = atricletitle
    Me.articleBody = articlebody
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal articleid As Integer, ByVal atricletitle As String, ByVal articlebody As String)
    Me.articleID = articleid
    Me.articleTitle = atricletitle
    Me.articleBody = articlebody
End Sub

End Class[/SIZE]

When I try to create an instance of this object I cannot use the 2nd or 3rd constructor
throws an overload resolution exception. I know both constructors have the same number of parameters
but they are of different data types so I thought this was allowed

Can anyone shed any light on this

Many Thanks

It probably is coming from the data types you are using to call things – ie if you are passing in the result of a textbox that might look like an integer but it actually is a string insofar as the CLR goes. Anyhow, try explicit casts to see if that helps.