2 Menu Lists on 1 Page > Issues

I am working on a website and having issues with the menu. I am using 2 menu lists on the same page and the second menu is using the first menu css. How would I go about making the second menu use it’s own css?



If you scroll all the way to the bottom and start scrolling up to the big gap that is the css for the second menu.


Sorry - I don’t understand what you mean by “I am using two menu lists”. I can see only one menu bar, at the top of the page. It consists of several different styles of dropdown menu. Which two lists are you referring to?

If you got to mens cologne dropdown, there is a vertical tabs menu. The tabs are using the css for the first menu. The tabs need to use the tabs menu css.

Firebug is showing that the second menu is using a mixture of rules from #menu and #vtab. Which of the vtab rules are not working?

Given that the validator is showing 310 xhtml errors for this menu bar, I can’t say I’m entirely surprised things are not working as you expect.

"Given that the validator is showing 310 xhtml errors for this menu bar, I can’t say I’m entirely surprised things are not working as you expect. "

Since this is one of my businesses, I don’t care about errors, as long as it works across most browsers. There really is not point in making it error free. Sure it helps with SEO however this is Javascript which search engines have a hard time with anyways.

I think I found the issue, will reply back if not :).

Ok, so I have most of it figured out however this last part im not seeing in Firebug.


Hover over “Mens Cologne”

See the text ex: S to U, the font is purple. I need those fonts to be white while the rest remains as it is.


Just added other menu links and have another issue.

The dropdown does not show the selected brand category except for 1 dropdown.

Sorry - your menu is no longer working at all. The only link I can see is for women’s perfume.

Did you find a fix, as the menu seems to be working now? All the drop-downs seem to be OK, and they’re all showing black text on a grey background.

Pretty much, Thanks!