2 questions -A:Joomla site and B: Citrix/ browser issue

Sorry if its the wrong forum, my questions both relate to our server or network here in work I think…

Q.1 - I.T. asked me, as the web designer, would Firefox be better than IE for our company (100+ pc users). I said yes, yes, yes. We use Citrix programme neighbourhood. We asked our consultant company who look after problems with our network and servers(they are a Microsoft gold certified partner) and they gave back a slightly snotty reply…“remember you have one web designer and over a 100 users.We wouldnt recommend for a company-wide deployment of Firefox”. That was all. They didnt go into detail with why it would be bad. So, does anyone know of issues with Citrix and Firefox?

Q.2 - Our website (www.sunbeam.ie) is a joomla site. It displays just fine everywhere except within our Citrix network here in work. The Homepage javascript or jQuery slideshow doesnt display as a rotating slideshow, and the tabs display in same manner…it displays as individual images all down the page. And the logo in the header doesnt show up at all. I think that .png and javascript arent working. Its very odd. Ive asked I.T. and they’ve cleared cache etc. enabled javascript. Ive even checked that javascript is enabled locally on my pc. Any ideas what could be wrong?

Many thanks,


I would have given the same response you did for the simple reason that IE (ALL versions) love proprietary code and reject much of the DOM standard code (although it does seem to be getting better). I think your M$ cert company is full of … well, I’ll leave that alone as it’s a personal bias. If they’re working for you, DIRECT them to use a DOM compliant browser and the most frequently used one is still Firefox. If they don’t like that, find a company which will provide you the service you demand. Don’t allow them to provide you the crap that they’re shoveling.



Thanks for that, David, I am new to web design and issues with servers/networks are over my head. Id love to get some more peoples opinions and then feedback to I.T.

Thanks again,


Just remember, your consultants are your employees, not your bosses. If you’re managing their subcontract, TELL THEM what to implement and, if they argue, TELL THEM that their services are no longer required. Been there, done that (subcontract management) and there is no excuse for your consultant’s flippant attitude OR refusal to implement your directives.
