3 Painfully Public Site Redesign Disasters


That is one of the most constructive criticisms I’ve read in quite a while – and dare I say it, more than a little inspiring in itself.

We look at the last redesign as ‘hitting the reset button’ on the site. We had years of accreted systems and interlinked, increasingly crusty technologies, and 2013 was the year we burned a lot of it to the ground.

A year later we tackled the same thing with the forums – stepping off 15 years of VBulletin into the somewhat unknown of Discourse. Both of these systems are raw, but now flexible enough for us to extend and build on top of. That’s our focus in 2015.

I think we genuinely feel pleased and lucky to have an audience that holds us to such a high standard. We had a planning meeting yesterday and talked about many of the points you raised. Hopefully you’ll see evidence of that in the coming year/s.