3 Prototyping Tools Compared: Invision, Marvel & Justinmind

An excerpt from http://www.sitepoint.com/invision-marvel-justinmind-prototyping-tools-compared/, by @GabrielleG

Here’s an interesting image. This is Wilbur Wright flying a glider he and his brother built in 1902. The inset image shows one of their less successful glider tests. This was dangerous and dicey stuff.

Though for the Wrights, ‘manned powered flight’ was always the ultimate dream, this glider phase was absolutely critical to their success. Sketches and calculations alone were never going to solve all their design challenges. They needed to build – and crash – REAL prototypes to learn what they needed to know.

Web and app development is a similar prospect. Our creations are now complex systems reacting to events in real-time, and customizing themselves for each user and each device individually. We are no longer book-like pages – like the Wrights, to need to test prototypes.

Fortunately there are lots of options out there, so today I’m here to test out 3 prototyping saviors that are sure to help you make the transition from an idea to a reality. Best of all these all offer free options. Continue reading to find out which tool is the right fit for you.

##The Applications

The three prototyping applications we will be looking at are:

For each of these three tools we will be breaking things down into:

  • Registration Process
  • Getting Started
  • The Interface
  • The Tools
  • Features

Continue reading this article on SitePoint

Justinmind is such an amazing tool. I feel like there is not enough word about this tool out there. Creating mocks is really simple and they have such detailed widgets especially for mobile.

There are more tools, though. If you’re interested, you can read more about them here: http://www.headchannel.co.uk/blog/post/the-best-free-web-based-ux-design-prototyping-tools.

To me it was very useful. I wasn’t too good with website design and I couldn’t really afford to hire somebody else to do it for me. It took some time, but I’m really happy with the outcome now.

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